Help: Which Part of K'aba is this in this Image?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
May Allah give chance to every Muslim to visit the Holy Kaba. Amin.

Here is the image:


Does any one know which Part of Kaba is this?


MPA (400+ posts)
May Allah give chance to every Muslim to visit the Holy Kaba. Amin.

Here is the image:


Does any one know which Part of Kaba is this?

its golden gate of Kaba, entrance gate

my all time wish to perform my first ever Hajj may Allah fullfil my wish Ameen


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اللہ آپ دونوں بھائیوں پر اپنی برکتیں نازل کرے۔ امین۔

میرے ہاتھ یہ نقشہ لگا ہے۔


  1. الحجر الاسود ويقع في الزاوية الجنوبية الشرقية.
  2. باب الكعبة ويقع الحائط الشرقي ويرتفع 2.13 متر عن الأرض.
  3. مزراب ويقع في الحائط الشمالي لإخراج مياه الأمطار.
  4. الشاذروان وهو جزء من حجر أساس الكعبة.
  5. الحطيم
  6. ملتزم
  7. مقام إبراهيم
  8. زاوية الحجر الاسود.
  9. زاوية اليمن
  10. زاوية سوريا
  11. زاوية العراق
  12. كسْوة الكعبة
  13. شريط من الرخام ))
  14. مقام جبريل

چنانچہ یہ باب الکعبہ ہے اور اس کی لیفٹ سائیڈ پر موجود نیچے کے مقام کو ملتزم کہا گیا ہے۔

کیا اس باب کعبہ اور مقام ملتزم کی کوئی خاص اہمیت ہے اور انکی فضیلت میں کوئی حدیث مروی ہے؟


Senator (1k+ posts)
Thanks for the post.

Most scholars say that Multazim is the place between Hijr e aswad and the door of Kaba. That is between 1 and 2 in above figure.

Multazim has special importance as place of supplication. It is highly recommended to make DUA at Multazim.

Some scholars disagree with above opinion and they say that HATEEM is MULTAZIM ( no. 5 in above figure). But most of the times in books UMRA guides etc, you will find out that Multazim is defined as the area beteen Hajre Aswad and Golden door of the Kaba. Thats why, you would see that people are particularly clinging to that area in any video clip.

May Allah SWT enable us to go there.


Minister (2k+ posts)
it is called as 'Muqam-e-Multazim'

Multazim is the area between Hijr-e-Aswad and the Gate of Kaba. Gate of Kaba is not muqam-e-Multazim. In this picture, the person at exteme left is standing at Multazim.