R Rafat Ali Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 15, 2015 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-mxp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11745438_482680671891116_6093284402782094295_n.jpg?oh=bba3ad50d65d26796154d5210a0c0de3&oe=56557494
S Shamyl Sheheryar MPA (400+ posts) Jul 15, 2015 #2 Re: Nawaz govt writes letter to British govt against Altaf Hussain provocative speeches شکریہ راحیل شریف
Re: Nawaz govt writes letter to British govt against Altaf Hussain provocative speeches شکریہ راحیل شریف
esakhelvi Minister (2k+ posts) Jul 15, 2015 #3 Re: Nawaz govt writes letter to British govt against Altaf Hussain provocative speeches Shamyl Sheheryar said: شکریہ راحیل شریف Click to expand... شکریہ :پاکستان
Re: Nawaz govt writes letter to British govt against Altaf Hussain provocative speeches Shamyl Sheheryar said: شکریہ راحیل شریف Click to expand... شکریہ :پاکستان
IK For PK MPA (400+ posts) Jul 16, 2015 #5 Iss ***** ku koi pata kion nahi dalta her waqt bhonkta hay or saray chup ker Kay iss ki bakwas suntay hain.
Iss ***** ku koi pata kion nahi dalta her waqt bhonkta hay or saray chup ker Kay iss ki bakwas suntay hain.