Govt ignores TTP threat, to execute three militants


ISLAMABAD: Despite threats by the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the government has decided to carry out the execution of condemned prisoners and the death penalty for the first batch of terrorists belonging to outlawed groups will be implemented next week.

While the TTP has issued a ‘warning’ to the government to refrain from implementing the death penalties of its members, the interior minister says the new government is determined to establish the writ of law.

“There is a huge backlog of 450 cases and we are processing them as fast as we can,” Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan told Dawn.

“We will continue the process to implement the execution orders so that the law may take its course,” he said.

The TTP had said in a letter addressed to the PML-N that both it and the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf should learn from the condition of the Awami National Party (ANP) after getting involved in a conflict with them.

An official of the interior ministry said the government had decided to deal with all cases of execution on a case-to-case basis and those related to terrorism were being selected.

Sources in the federal government said that three condemned prisoners were to be executed next week in the Sukkur Central Prison.

The three Lashkar-i-Jhangvi terrorists are Attaullah, to be executed on Aug 20, Mohammad Azam on Aug 21 and Jalal on Aug 22.

Attaullah was awarded death sentence in six cases by an anti-terrorism court in Karachi on July 6, 2004, and Azam was sentenced to death in four cases by the same court.

Implementation of death penalties has been on hold in the country since 2008 when the former PPP government decided against it and a presidential order imposed a moratorium.

Soon after taking charge, the PML-N government decided that the condemned terrorists needed to be hanged so that their network could be abolished.

The moratorium on executions ended on June 30.

Information Minister Senator Pervaiz Rasheed said death sentences had been awarded by courts and not the PML-N.

He said the strategy to counter the threats against the PML-N or the federal or Punjab governments could not be discussed on the media.

The sources in the interior ministry said the files for the execution orders of five more condemned prisoners belonging to the LJ/ TTP had been forwarded to the prime minister’s office. They said the cases would be sent to the president so that the death warrants could be issued.

Although all executions have to be approved by the president, an official said was likely that the files might not be signed by President Asif Ali Zardari.

“The government may have to wait till the new president takes charge on Sept 8,” the official added.

The PPP not only stopped executions of the condemned prisoners during its rule but the outgoing president also reportedly resisted signing ‘black warrants’ of the three prisoners when the files were forwarded to him last month.

The government got the death warrants signed by the acting president, Senate Chairman Nayyar Hussain Bokhari, when Mr Zardari was on leave in the second week of July.

A police official in Islamabad said a plot to attack a Shia mosque on the Eid day could have been a signal for Mr Bokhari whose residence was few hundred yards ahead on the same road in Bara Kahu and many of his relatives visited the place of worship.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
We should support government if they wants to do that. They will pay the heavy price but it is right thing to do. Send these dogs to hell.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
you cant kill 3 guys of TTP otherwise TTP will....well! they have been killing the innocent regardless..

Mir Jaffer

Senator (1k+ posts)
Ab aay ga khel ka maza.
The backlash will be in Lahore; then Punjabis will know how it feels to be victim of terrorism which they support wholeheartedly.
Peace in Pakistan is only possible if Punjabis could feel the heat of "terrorism" in their backyard i.e. in lahore.
Make Lahore like "Somnat k Mandar" and then there will be peace in all the region.


Senator (1k+ posts)
If your logic is that, that Punjabis are ruling so until lahore is safe, they will do nothing.
i will disagree as from last 15 years, Musharraf and Zardari were ruling, and they were not from Punjab.

but agree in the sense, if they start to hit lahore, the momentum against the TTP will reach on pick.

Ab aay ga khel ka maza.
The backlash will be in Lahore; then Punjabis will know how it feels to be victim of terrorism which they support wholeheartedly.
Peace in Pakistan is only possible if Punjabis could feel the heat of "terrorism" in their backyard i.e. in lahore.
Make Lahore like "Somnat k Mandar" and then there will be peace in all the region.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Ab aay ga khel ka maza.
The backlash will be in Lahore; then Punjabis will know how it feels to be victim of terrorism which they support wholeheartedly.
Peace in Pakistan is only possible if Punjabis could feel the heat of "terrorism" in their backyard i.e. in lahore.
Make Lahore like "Somnat k Mandar" and then there will be peace in all the region.

Are you in your senses you freak? What kind of racist crap is this? Just how the hell did Punjab support terrorism? I can't believe you will stoop to the level where the idea of death and destruction will bring you so much joy.

Mir Jaffer

Senator (1k+ posts)
Are you in your senses you freak? What kind of racist crap is this? Just how the hell did Punjab support terrorism? I can't believe you will stoop to the level where the idea of death and destruction will bring you so much joy.
Donot try to be over-smart and more civilized by labelling me "racist freak". No one in Pak knows what does this term mean.
As far as, my suggestion is concerned; try it once. Just wait, how Punjabis will react when "Lahore" will be made"Somant k Mandar" as Punjabis are all terrorist supporters in the region; be in Kashmir or Afghanistan.
Just wait when these people are hanged, then drama will be on my friend.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Donot try to be over-smart and more civilized by labelling me "racist freak". No one in Pak knows what does this term mean.
As far as, my suggestion is concerned; try it once. Just wait, how Punjabis will react when "Lahore" will be made"Somant k Mandar" as Punjabis are all terrorist supporters in the region; be in Kashmir or Afghanistan.
Just wait when these people are hanged, then drama will be on my friend.

I don't have to be oversmart when dealing with racist freaks and don;t judge whole Pakistan from the depth of your own ignorance. Somnat Ka Mandir was not looted by A Punjabi you ignorant fool it was a Pakhtoon King who conquered that area and took back the loot to Afghanistan. India just requested Afghan Govt to return some of the antiques from Somnat ka Mandir (not that I condemn his act - it was a war). Kashmir has been a problem for whole of Pakistan which is not limited to Punjab. Get out of the hole and read some good books and international analysts who are very clear about importance of Kashmir with reference to human rights violations and the strategic value (larlgly die to the rivers coming out).

You surely do justice to your nick 'Mir Jafar'. Death of any Muslim is not a drama, in your hatred you can't even stomach the simple fact that Punjabi is not a race or even a lingual unit. Its a geographical reference and has explicitly defined lingual and cultural groups like Pitohari and Saraiki. Shame on you!


Minister (2k+ posts)
If implementation of justice becomes subservient to retaliatory threats, then the system of this world will crumble very soon.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Justice must be served, if there is no punishment, the crime gets encouraged.

Are you the same Aeronaut as PDF? :biggthumpup:

You are right on punishment. Whether Govt decides on dialogue or army operation it must be seen as the decision maker and pro-active party in this dispute.

Mir Jaffer

Senator (1k+ posts)
I don't have to be oversmart when dealing with racist freaks and don;t judge whole Pakistan from the depth of your own ignorance. Somnat Ka Mandir was not looted by A Punjabi you ignorant fool it was a Pakhtoon King who conquered that area and took back the loot to Afghanistan. India just requested Afghan Govt to return some of the antiques from Somnat ka Mandir (not that I condemn his act - it was a war). Kashmir has been a problem for whole of Pakistan which is not limited to Punjab. Get out of the hole and read some good books and international analysts who are very clear about importance of Kashmir with reference to human rights violations and the strategic value (larlgly die to the rivers coming out).

You surely do justice to your nick 'Mir Jafar'. Death of any Muslim is not a drama, in your hatred you can't even stomach the simple fact that Punjabi is not a race or even a lingual unit. Its a geographical reference and has explicitly defined lingual and cultural groups like Pitohari and Saraiki. Shame on you!
Apna "jahil bhashan" band kro. Just wait when these terrorists are hanged and then there will be backlash in "Lahore" the "Somant".
Pakistan will be at peace then.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Are you the same Aeronaut as PDF? :biggthumpup:


You are right on punishment. Whether Govt decides on dialogue or army operation it must be seen as the decision maker and pro-active party in this dispute.

Punitive military action has to be backed by a potent political structure for peace and reconciliation which has to be supplemented by a robust judicial system to punish the terrorists. Unfortunately we find ourselves in an Urban Warfare setting, which ought it to be fought over a long period of time on military, political , judicial as well as civil fronts to achieve the desired results.



MPA (400+ posts)
سزائے موت پر عملدرآمد کیا جائے گا وزیرداخ&#160


اسلام آباد: کالعدم تحریک طالبان پاکستان کی دھمکی کے باوجود حکومت نے یہ فیصلہ کیا ہے کہ

قابلِ مذمت قیدیوں کی سزا کا فیصلہ برقرار رکھے گی اور کالعدم گروہوں سے تعلق رکھنے والے

دہشت گردوں کے پہلے بیج کی سزائے موت پر اگلے ہفتے عملدرآمد کیا جائے گا۔

ٹی ٹی پی کی طرف سے اپنے اراکین کی سزائے موت پرعملدرآمد سے روکنے کے لیے حکومت

کو وارننگ جاری کی گئی تھی، جبکہ وزیر داخلہ کا کہنا ہے کہ نئی حکومت قانون کی رٹ قائم

کرنے کے معاملے میں پُرعزم ہے۔​

وزیرداخلہ چوہدری نثار علی خان نے ڈان کو بتایا 450

مقدمات میں اب تک بہت زیادہ تاخیر ہوچکی ہے، اور ہم کوشش کررہے ہیں کہ ان کی کارروائی

کی رفتار میں جس قدر ہم اضافہ کرسکتے ہیں، کردیں۔
انہوں نے کہاکہ ہم سزائے موت کے

احکامات کے نفاذ کے
عمل کو جاری رکھیں گے، تاکہ قانونی ضابطوں کی تکمیل ہوسکے۔

تحریک طالبان پاکستان نے ایک لیٹر میں مسلم لیگ نون اور پاکستان تحریک انصاف کو مخاطب

کرتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ ان دونوں جماعتوں کو عوامی نیشنل پارٹی کی حالت سے سبق سیکھنا

چاہئیے جو تصادم میں ملوث ہونے کے بعد اس کی ہوئی۔

وزارت داخلہ کے ایک اہلکار کا کہنا

ہے کہ حکومت نے فیصلہ کیا ہے کہ سزائے موت کے تمام مقدمات کو انفرادی بنیادوں پر دیکھا

جائے گا، اور ایسے مقدمات جو دہشت گردی سے متعلق ہیں، وہ پہلے ہی الگ کرلیے گئے

وفاقی حکومت کے ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ تین سزایافتہ مجرموں کو سکھر سینٹرل جیل میں

اگلے ہفتے پھانسی دی جانی تھی۔
کالعدم لشکرجھنگوی سے تعلق رکھنے والے عطاءاللہ کو 20

اگست، محمد اعظم کو 21 اگست اور جلال کو 22 اگست کے دن پھانسی دی جانی ہے۔

کراچی کی انسدادِ دہشت گردی کی عدالت نے 6 جولائی 2004ء کو چھ مقدمات میں پھانسی کی

سزا سنائی تھی، اور اعظم کو اسی عدالت نے چار مقدمات میں سزائے موت کا فیصلہ سنایا

جب پیپلزپارٹی کی حکومت نے اس کے خلاف فیصلہ کیا اور صدارتی حکم کے ذریعے اس

پر پابندی عائد کردی تو 2008ء سے ملک بھر میں سزائے موت پر عملدرآمد رُکا رہا۔
جلد ہی

مسلم لیگ کی حکومت نے اقتدار سنبھالنے کے بعد یہ فیصلہ کیا کہ دہشت گردوں کی مذمت کے

لیے ضروری ہے کہ انہیں لٹکادیا جائے لہٰذا اسی طرح ان کے نیٹ ورک کا خاتمہ کیا جاسکتا

سزائے موت پر پابندی کی مدت 30 جون کو ختم ہوگئی ہے۔وزیراطلاعات سینیٹر پرویز رشید

کا کہنا ہے کہ سزائے موت کا فیصلہ عدالتوں کی طرف سے کیا گیا ہے
مسلم لیگ نون کی

طرف سے نہیں۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ مسلم لیگ نون، وفاقی یا پنجاب حکومت کے خلاف موجود

خطرات سے مقابلہ کرنے کی حکمت عملی کے حوالے سے میڈیا پر بات چیت نہیں کی

وزارت داخلہ کے ذرائع کے مطابق لشکر جھنگوی اور تحریک طالبان سے تعلق رکھنے

والے پانچ مزید سزائے موت کے منتظر قیدیوں کی فائلیں وزیراعظم ہاؤس کو بھجوادی گئی ہیں۔

انہوں نے کہا کہ یہ کیسز صدر کو بھیجے جائیں گے، جس کے بعد موت کے وارنٹ جاری کیے

جاسکتے ہیں۔
اگرچہ تمام پھانسی کی سزاؤں پر عملدرآمد کی منظوری صدر کی جانب سے ہی دی

جاتی ہے، لیکن ایک سرکاری اہلکار کا کہنا ہے کہ اس بات کا امکان موجود ہے کہ ان فائلوں پر

صدر آصف علی زرداری دستخط نہیں کریں گے۔
مذکورہ اہلکار نے مزید کہا کہ حکومت کو اس

سلسلے میں 8 ستمبر تک نئے صدر کے چارج لینے کا انتظار کرنا پڑے گا۔

پیپلزپارٹی نے اپنے

دورِ حکومت میں ناصرف سزائے موت کے منتظر قیدیوں کی پھانسی کو روک دیا تھا، بلکہ

سبکدوش ہونے والے صدر کو جب گزشتہ ماہ تین قیدیوں کے بلیک وارنٹ کی فائلیں ارسال کی

گئیں تو انہوں نے ان پر پر دستخط کرنے سے مبینہ طور پر انکار کیا تھا۔
جولائی کے دوسرے

ہفتے میں جب صدر زرداری چھٹیوں پر تھے تو حکومت نے موت کے وارنٹ پر قائم مقام صدر

چیئرمین سینیٹ نیّر حسین بخاری کے دستخط لے لیے تھے۔

اسلام آباد میں ایک پولیس اہلکار کا

کہنا ہے کہ عید کے دن شیعہ مسجد پر حملے کی سازش دراصل نیّر حسین بخاری کے لیے ایک

دھمکی ہوسکتی ہے، اس لیے کہ بارہ کہو کی اسی سڑک پر چند سو گز کے فاصلے پر ہی ان

کی رہائشگاہ ہے اور اُن کے بہت سے رشتہ دار اس مسجد میں نماز کی ادائیگی کے لیے جاتے




Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: سزائے موت پر عملدرآمد کیا جائے گا وزیرداخ&

JI will cry about this decision. JI always supported death penalty as far as no Taliban is hanged.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: سزائے موت پر عملدرآمد کیا جائے گا وزیرداخ&

اصف زرداری اب صدر نہیں نوازشریف صدر ہیں دیکھتے کیا رزلٹ نکلتا ہے
