Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

GEO has sent me a court notice which is a Stay Order from Islamabad High Court asking me not to humiliate and "defame" GEO :)) Alhamdolillah, a media empire which can bring down governments is so afraid of a faqeer that now they are hiding behind Stay orders from High courts :))
Defamation is putting up false allegations. When we report crimes backed by solid proof and also file cases against them in supreme court with evidence then this is NOT defamation but exposing the enemies.
The Hamid Mir program which the GEO did was not just defamation but also criminal incitement to murder and blasphemy and we have the right to file criminal cases against Hamid Mir, Mir Shakeel and Tahir ashrafi. We have never defamed them. We have proof of their activities which are against constitution, PEMRA rules and ideology of Pakistan as well as against the armed forces of Pakistan.
Our message to Mir Shakeel. We have attacked and exposed your crimes in the past and have also filed cases in the Supreme Court with evidence. This Stay Order will be vacated inshAllah. In any case, exposing the enemies of Pakistan is NOT defamation. It is a war and we will fight it with full force. No mercy here.
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