Gen Kiani Major"Obstacle" To Indo-Pak Deal On Kashmir ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Shameful attempt

Published: April 5, 2011
Who is not aware that Kashmir is an unfinished agenda left by the British? The issue remains unresolved despite two clear resolutions of the UN Security Council stipulating a plebiscite allowing the Kashmiris their right of self-determination. India subverted all attempts at the implementation of these resolutions. Pakistan and India fought three wars, yet Kashmiris are struggling for their liberation from the more than 700,000 occupying Indian forces. A recent report derived from WikiLeaks documents states the British Labour government regarded the Chief of the Army Staff, General Kayani, as a major obstacle to an Indo-Pak deal on Kashmir. According to the report, a deal was ready on paper a day before the Mumbai attacks but General Kayani refused to be part of it. If the contents of the report are to be believed, then hats off to the Army Chief who stood steadfast and did not allow a Britain-sponsored solution to be imposed on the Kashmiri people who are daily sacrificing their lives. This deal was initiated by then British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Asif Zardari were willing to sign it. Miliband thought the remaining obstacle was Pakistans military chief who needed to be persuaded. In the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, the process of composite dialogue came to a halt and the British attempt fully supported by the United States got lost.

What the world community must realise is that the Kashmiri people who have been subjected to state torture at the hands of Indian troops for well over six decades would not accept any Made in England or Made in US solution and would continue to struggle for their right of self-determination which must not be denied to them under any circumstances. Pakistan, on its part, must continue to offer moral and diplomatic support to them till such time that a peaceful, acceptable solution is found to their plight. Till that time let India bleed.

Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan Army has never been useful to its nation.
1) They start unnecessary wars and always loose it.
2) they destroyed democracy in Pakistan several times because of which Pakistan still doesn't have stable democracy.
3) They behave like mercenary army and fight wars on behalf of their masters US, Eu etc. For money they allow Americans to bomb their own country.
4) They swallow huge chunk of budget which could have been spent on education and health care.
5) Every time when situation between Indian and Pakistan improves they create conflict (kargil & Mumbai) to derail the peace process.
6) they were instrumental in creating Taliban and modern jihadi terrorism which is now eroding Pakistan from inside.
7) General Kayani has no right to stop/ pressurize a democratically elected government. He should keep out of politics. He is and should behave as a beaurocrat.
8) All countries have army but in pakistan, army has got whole country.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Pakistan Army has never been useful to its nation.
1) They start unnecessary wars and always loose it.
2) they destroyed democracy in Pakistan several times because of which Pakistan still doesn't have stable democracy.
3) They behave like mercenary army and fight wars on behalf of their masters US, Eu etc. For money they allow Americans to bomb their own country.
4) They swallow huge chunk of budget which could have been spent on education and health care.
5) Every time when situation between Indian and Pakistan improves they create conflict (kargil & Mumbai) to derail the peace process.
6) they were instrumental in creating Taliban and modern jihadi terrorism which is now eroding Pakistan from inside.
7) General Kayani has no right to stop/ pressurize a democratically elected government. He should keep out of politics. He is and should behave as a beaurocrat.
8) All countries have army but in pakistan, army has got whole country.

There is only one country in this world that has shown such inhumane and callous behavior with absolute disregard for the humanity as has india with regrad to Kashmiri people.
Indian army has been involved in Srilanka where they were defeated and fell on their faces.
indian army was involved in mass massacre of bengalis in the name of muktibahani and today are very proud of their role.
Golden temple massacre was orchestrated by the indian army and paramilitary on the orders of the DEMOCRATIC pm. The horrific stories are told to date.
The budget of the indian army is ten times more than that of Pakistan army so worry about all the useless arsenal they have bought with your money. To date you have not been able to decifer what happened in the Bofors scandal.
Every plan you guys make either deceitfully or backed by the west and it goes to your head, British key peechay chupna choor do, ab to baray ho jao!

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I do hope that Kasmiri people will ask for the help of the great Nobel peace prize winner to help them win Liberty, just as people in Libya are being helped.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Shameful attempt

Published: April 5, 2011
Who is not aware that Kashmir is an unfinished agenda left by the British? The issue remains unresolved despite two clear resolutions of the UN Security Council stipulating a plebiscite allowing the Kashmiris their right of self-determination.

Of course Kyani is obstacle to the resolution of Kashmir issue. If it weren't for the General, Ghaddari clans would sell Kashmir to India for few million $ and pocket the money.

Good work General, keep it up. The nation is behind you all the way.

Now when you have time start talking about Khalistan. Sikhs are distinct from Hindus and hence need a separate homeland, Khalistan, and also India must pay for the massacre of over 2000 Sikhs in the golden temple early 80's and over 5000 else where in India.

جنرل کیانی شیر ہے ، شیر ہے جی شیر ہے
خالصتان بن کے رہیگا بس تھوڑی سی دیر ہے


Senator (1k+ posts)
Pakistan Army has never been useful to its nation.
1) They start unnecessary wars and always loose it.
2) they destroyed democracy in Pakistan several times because of which Pakistan still doesn't have stable democracy.
3) They behave like mercenary army and fight wars on behalf of their masters US, Eu etc. For money they allow Americans to bomb their own country.
4) They swallow huge chunk of budget which could have been spent on education and health care.
5) Every time when situation between Indian and Pakistan improves they create conflict (kargil & Mumbai) to derail the peace process.
6) they were instrumental in creating Taliban and modern jihadi terrorism which is now eroding Pakistan from inside.
7) General Kayani has no right to stop/ pressurize a democratically elected government. He should keep out of politics. He is and should behave as a beaurocrat.
8) All countries have army but in pakistan, army has got whole country.

Firstly I must give you credit for being honest, this you have done by the name you have chosen "Zionist Hindu", both are interchangable.

First the deeds of Hindu crimminals

Killing fields of Gujrat got the biggest crimminal Modi into power
Destruction of Babri Masjid, got RSS into being the champion of killings fields of Up and Maharastra
I am sure sikhs will never forget what you Hindus have done in East Punjab
Support of Tamil brought misery in Sri Lanka but they drove you guys out, and blew Rajiv Ghandi in return
And we will never forget thousands of dead in Kashmir

Coming to Zionist

Illegal occupier of Palestinian land
Google Sabra and Shatila and you find why your zionist friends will never be able to sleep peacfully
Too many crimes been committed by this zionist entity, you google and read it

"They behave like mercenary army and fight wars on behalf of their masters US, Eu etc. For money they allow Americans to bomb their own country" Your country did the same when your father in law USSR came to Afghnistan in the 80's, your country bent over backwards and support that occupation, did it not?


Senator (1k+ posts)
enough has been said to that idiot ZIONIST HINDU. nothing more to i have enjoyed the answers very much.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Of course Kyani is obstacle to the resolution of Kashmir issue. If it weren't for the General, Ghaddari clans would sell Kashmir to India for few million $ and pocket the money.

Good work General, keep it up. The nation is behind you all the way.

Now when you have time start talking about Khalistan. Sikhs are distinct from Hindus and hence need a separate homeland, Khalistan, and also India must pay for the massacre of over 2000 Sikhs in the golden temple early 80's and over 5000 else where in India.

جنرل کیانی شیر ہے ، شیر ہے جی شیر ہے
خالصتان بن کے رہیگا بس تھوڑی سی دیر ہے

General Kiyani is a paper lion. He has shown his real face during the Raymond case. You might have forgotten it but I will never forget it. I do not trust that pimp. MY hopes and well wishes are still with the army and I can just pray that they can get good leadership so that they can act like Pak army again.


MPA (400+ posts)
what a good slap
There is only one country in this world that has shown such inhumane and callous behavior with absolute disregard for the humanity as has india with regrad to Kashmiri people.
Indian army has been involved in Srilanka where they were defeated and fell on their faces.
indian army was involved in mass massacre of bengalis in the name of muktibahani and today are very proud of their role.
Golden temple massacre was orchestrated by the indian army and paramilitary on the orders of the DEMOCRATIC pm. The horrific stories are told to date.
The budget of the indian army is ten times more than that of Pakistan army so worry about all the useless arsenal they have bought with your money. To date you have not been able to decifer what happened in the Bofors scandal.
Every plan you guys make either deceitfully or backed by the west and it goes to your head, British key peechay chupna choor do, ab to baray ho jao!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistan Army has never been useful to its nation.
1) They start unnecessary wars and always loose it.
2) they destroyed democracy in Pakistan several times because of which Pakistan still doesn't have stable democracy.
3) They behave like mercenary army and fight wars on behalf of their masters US, Eu etc. For money they allow Americans to bomb their own country.
4) They swallow huge chunk of budget which could have been spent on education and health care.
5) Every time when situation between Indian and Pakistan improves they create conflict (kargil & Mumbai) to derail the peace process.
6) they were instrumental in creating Taliban and modern jihadi terrorism which is now eroding Pakistan from inside.
7) General Kayani has no right to stop/ pressurize a democratically elected government. He should keep out of politics. He is and should behave as a beaurocrat.
8) All countries have army but in pakistan, army has got whole country.

to tumharee ------------ me kion takleef ho rahee he chal apna kaam kr.
koiee aik hmsaya mulk btao india ka jis se uskey tallukat behtr hoon.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Of course Kyani is obstacle to the resolution of Kashmir issue. If it weren't for the General, Ghaddari clans would sell Kashmir to India for few million $ and pocket the money.

Good work General, keep it up. The nation is behind you all the way.

Now when you have time start talking about Khalistan. Sikhs are distinct from Hindus and hence need a separate homeland, Khalistan, and also India must pay for the massacre of over 2000 Sikhs in the golden temple early 80's and over 5000 else where in India.

جنرل کیانی شیر ہے ، شیر ہے جی شیر ہے

خالصتان بن کے رہیگا بس تھوڑی سی دیر ہے آمین

only a very misguided person can praise kyaani.
i cant write details as they will be censored here anyway.
but let me tell in brief that musharaf (who is a known qadiani) did not make kayaani his heir without any solid reason!
use brain you day kayaani will be in usa enjoying his ranches and you pakistanis will be crying.
crush the agents of zionists and the slaves of these agents too before they sell your country to zionists which they already have sold 50%.
those ppl who worship their generals inspite of they being zionist slaves are no muslims,they are no muslims at all.
a muslim stands for islam no matter if islam is enforced by people who dont belong to his race....and a muslim leaves his own family if it is against islam.
you people worship army generals due to castes and due to rreason of nationalism ,but same generals who you people worship are breaking pakistan .
prophet of islam stood against his own family and his own nation for enforcing of islam,,,,for same sin nowadays you people label the islamists as terrorists!
kayani recently said that islamists endanger our life styles so war against islamists is pakistan is our own war...he was saying the truth!because islamists are against the life style of seculars like him who believe in drinking alcohol and doing every sin that is forbidden in islam!like conspiring with kufar against muslims!

have you wondered why this army never won an inch still 1947,and india kept on occupying areas of siachen ,kashmir and run of kuchh!its because this army is not islamic and allah does not help nonislamic people,when two nonislamic nations collide allahs help is with no one,than the one with more material weapons gains victory.
but when one side is on islam like taliban are than allah help them with miracles...see that american general james conroy recently said that GOD is with taliban!so whatever we americans do we get defeated by them!even if these words dont wake you people up than weight for soor e israafeel...and cry than
how you cant see as even blind can see the truth of what i wrote above.
the real president of pakistan is kyani and reymond davis was also released on his command,still you praise him,,,this means that you people residing in west also wanted that reymond be released so you can have easy stay in those countries?
wake up before its too late.
you people,s so called safe heavens in west are also about to become hell for you people,so dont burn your own country by supporting anti islam forces,
pakistan is with islam without it pakistan is no more
without islam pakistan wont exist
as iqbal said

qaum mazhab (islam) say hai mazhab jo nahin to kuch bhi nahin
jazb e baaham jo nahin mehfil e anjum bhi nahin (iqbal)

and by the way zia ul haq used to support khalistan movement fully,but you people hated him because he was islamist!he was also an army general who had defeated india on every front but you people disliked him as his biggest crime was that he prayed regularly and was an islamist!
what a country!what a people!you support your own enemies
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Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
to tumharee ------------ me kion takleef ho rahee he chal apna kaam kr.
koiee aik hmsaya mulk btao india ka jis se uskey tallukat behtr hoon.

We have all heard of the term "Ghus baithiyay" well some indians members are like that on our forum. Their sole purpose is to say some thing and disappear with no replies. This tells us that they are actually paid members from the indian intelligensia using techniques taught to them.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
India is not serious about The Kashmir problem and always use delaying tactics.Viable solution is only possible if all three parties Kashmiri's,Pakistan and India sit together.
Indian troops are involved in worst type of human right violations.Amnesty International in it's recent report said that thousands of people have disappeared.So India is
a cunning animal and has to be dealt with accordingly.
Pakistani Political leadership is weak,corrupt and spineless .All civilian institutions are weak and disfunctional.Zardari was ready to sign a so called deal offered by
David Miliband when Gen Kiani stepped in and refused to accept a British sponsored one sided solution.Pakistan should not scumb to any pressure whatsoever unless a politically
viable solution is found which is acceptable to all concerned.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
General Kiyani is a paper lion. He has shown his real face during the Raymond case. You might have forgotten it but I will never forget it. I do not trust that pimp. MY hopes and well wishes are still with the army and I can just pray that they can get good leadership so that they can act like Pak army again.

I don't like pimps either but in this thread we are talking about beloved, Kyani, the hero of nation, diamond in the rough, best in the current lot of ministers, president, PM. You may have forgotten but I distinctively remember Gillani handing over the control the ISI to an American citizen and worst idiot, Rehman Malik, subsequently to dismantle the spy outfit. Who saved it from the jaws of kafereens, Gen Kyani. Malik and Zardari would have dismantle, sold to India, US, UK in no time.

ISI is the best spy agency in the world and has 100% success compared to spies of other countries, the US/UK have admitted it. The Chief Pasha would have been handcuffed and moved to Gitmobay jail. Thank you Kyani, the nation loves you. I know I do.

\Raymond Davis was handled by the President and PM, Interior offices. Also, after we got all the information from Davis, Davis was useless and a burden. By prosecuting him (Tho I had wanted it initially) would have not helped the nation at all. After spending 1000's million of Rs in the trial and process, either he would have been acquitted because of American threats to the judges and Jewry OR would have been pardoned by the president. We have actually saved $ and time.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
In my humble opinion the terrorized Kashmir on the Indian side is not disputed or up for debate - that kashmir belong to the azad kashmir, part of Pakistan, just like East & west Germany. I wouldnt negotiate on Kashmir. Come 2020 when the US downfall has happened and India militarily and economically weakened due to the US fall, we shall just grab the terrorized and merge it with the azad kashmir, make it a province of Pakistan.

While India has been weakened, we shall take East Punjab, merge it with Heriana and create a much awaited home for Sikhs, Khalistan. Take Rajhistan and rename it to Rajshahi (a county in East Pakistan) a province of Pakistan. InshaAllah

As I have dreamed, so shall happen, Ameen


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Shameful attempt

Published: April 5, 2011
Who is not aware that Kashmir is an unfinished agenda left by the British?

The only reason its a 'left agenda' is because Mr Jawahir Lal Nehru got in bed with Mrs Mountbatten. He must have satisfied her or he wouldnt have gotten the kashmir.

Indian leaderon ko to yeh haal. Abhi pichley hi dino Siasat mein parha key Mahatma G. saheb gay they. (bigsmile)

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
General Kiyani is a paper lion. He has shown his real face during the Raymond case. You might have forgotten it but I will never forget it. I do not trust that pimp. MY hopes and well wishes are still with the army and I can just pray that they can get good leadership so that they can act like Pak army again.

You know that you are confused! You want the Army to do the job that the esteemed civilian government should be doing because it is there call. What do you guys want from the Army?
Damned if they do and damned if they don't! Confusion, confusion that is your problem.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You know that you are confused! You want the Army to do the job that the esteemed civilian government should be doing because it is there call. What do you guys want from the Army?
Damned if they do and damned if they don't! Confusion, confusion that is your problem.

Leave them.They will criticise every thing under the sun.They dont know what they are talking about.
No ideas,no vision,no suggestions.They are "Gone" cases !!!
