Do you term PM and CJP meeting legal?


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
How can a CJP meet PM to resolve judges issue although
matter sub judice and hearing will be held tomorrow.We have
independent judiciary but it should also be protected from
politics.CJP and Army chief have no right to involve in country's
politics.Lets discuss

Murshad Jee

To be honest with you the real black sheep in the Judiciary is Atzaz Ahsan, he played the main role and gave advise to Zardari to send PM Gilani to the judges party and officialy invite CJ Chaudhry to the PM house. CJ Chaudhry should not accept the invitation but for the sake of country and other lawyers who think that CJ is taking side of opposition, He accepted the invitation to show to the people of Pakistan that he is a neutral person and by the way this meeting is not Illegal as wel.

But, our CJ is an innocent peron he doesn't know the political moves and this PPP is going to use this meeting to play their politics.


MPA (400+ posts)
saynotwar said:
How can a CJP meet PM to resolve judges issue although
matter sub judice and hearing will be held tomorrow.We have
independent judiciary but it should also be protected from
politics.CJP and Army chief have no right to involve in country's
politics.Lets discuss
It is illegal.Unethical Cj should not have accepted this invitation


MPA (400+ posts)
I dont know about the legality but it might not have been ethical under normal circumstances... but under these circumstances... If PM wouldnt have gone to CJP....and if CJP wouldnt have gone to PM... whole country would have been on fire again.... there was almost a deadlock...
and we should not forget that we are at war... we need to focus on external issues rather than creating newer internal issues everyday and then strive to sort them... this Mulakaat has certainly solved another self-created internal issue...