Dispelling the myth that Afghans do not support the Taliban


Voter (50+ posts)
This was outside Spanish NATO base...
Why didn't the journalists of Pakistan air this?
How much money did they receive to keep their mouth shut?
Come to think of it.. every single month this year has been dubbed the deadliest month of US-led forces in Afghanistan until July... and how much of it was covered by Pakistani media? Just a simple search on google will provide the following (they could have simply copied, after all their job is to report) 2 casualties in 4 days (by their count anyway) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...roops-killed-in-Afghanistan-in-four-days.html
But if you count NATO soldiers.. then lets look at this week.. Few spanish killed (Baghdis province where according to some reports Afghan trainee opened fire on spanish after they tried to harrass a woman.. this was followed by rioting outside the NATO camp and setting parts of it on fire) Video above...
An estonian killed http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5iy2vFgn-wix10WfRbYmk7G-K5HpQ
Canadian killed http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Wounded+Nfld+soldier+dies+blast+injuries/3463304/story.html
A "helper" killed http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010\09\01\story_1-9-2010_pg7_29
Howcome its only one "helper" killed when four trucks were lost?? http://www.dailynews.lk/2010/09/01/wld02.asp Some more NATO killed (but unfortunately after making children and other civilians shaheed inshAllah, may Allah grant the jannatul firdaws) http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ighmlSYX3zbYxh2xwsi1pp2JG-tg


Senator (1k+ posts)
US believes that by paying media not to air such news they will win war, which is so stupid, they think afghanis and Pakistanis are stupid enough to believe what they feed media, afghan govt. is looting billions of $$ from US and same applies to Pakistan, their aim is to keep US engaged in afghanistan for as long as they can. Hatred against US is at its peak, they try to win hearts and mind on one end and support terrorism against Pakistan, it just insults our intelligence. Best of luck in winning war in afghanistan LOL stupid US law makers and generals.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Salam. This is media war, soon there will be statement that they were ISI undercover operatives.. They tried same hiding technique in 9/11 too many videos & reports exposing that drama.


Voter (50+ posts)
Little bit more info on this event... On Spanish media covered this for one day due to the death of Spanish soldiers in the incident.... Not a single Pakistani media covered this and despite "unity" among NATO-ISAF very few of the alliance media covered it...During an exercise with Afghan National Army, during the exercise, Spanish troops insulted and tried to uncover a woman, so one trainee opened fire on them, killing at least 3 and one translator. The Afghans demanded body of the shaheed which was refused by the Spanish, so the result alhamdulillah, Spanish did a great favour to taliban. Infact the behaviour of ISAF-NATO soldier has done a lot to help the recruitement of Taliban... Pakistani media need to show this.
