watch this Video and then decide.
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There are certain people who have been regularly doing propaganda and spreading false information about Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. Such people take certain short clips from his video lectures and present them under a wrong context. Their only objective is to create misunderstanding and they usually remain successful because generally people don’t have a habit of doing any research and jump to conclusion by only reading/watching limited information.
In this post we are inviting people to do some research before reaching to any conclusion. We are trying to clarify what caused the mis-information about him and including links to complete writings/lectures that could help clarify the misunderstandings.
There are thousands of recorded lectures and hundreds of printed books of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri out of which most of them are available online to listen and read. Although these lectures and books cover several aspects of Islam, none of them has any reference to any of his dreams or basharaats, yet there are some propagandists who highlight the dream matter as if it is one of the main topics of his lectures and books. Unfortunately we Muslims have a habit of not doing any research and relying on the rumors only.
Having said that, there was only one occassion when Dr. Qadri had talked about few basharaats in a private lecture to some of his close members and that was more than 25 years ago and that was perfectly per Sunnah. Here are few Hadiths from Sahih Bukhari:
The Prophet (pbuh) said “Whoever has seen me in a Dream, then no doubt, he has seen me, for Satan cannot imitate my shape." (Bukhar Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 123)
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Whoever sees me (in a Dream) then he indeed has seen the truth.” (Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 125)
The Prophet said, “Who ever sees me (in a Dream) then he indeed has seen the truth, as Satan cannot appear in my shape.” (Bukhari Vol. 9, Book 87, No. 126)
Many Hadiths show us that the Prophet (??? ???? ???? ????? ????) used to encourage Sahaba to narrate their dreams to him.
Anyway, that particular talk of Dr. Qadri was not meant to be made public. Somehow its recording ended up into the hands of his opponents and propagandists who took out few clips from it and presented the matter under a wrong context. It was extremely wrong thing they did as they tried to make joke of basharaats that act itself was very sinful.
In response to the propaganda, in 1990, Dr. Qadri had explained this important matter in a lot of detail in an open lecture to the public. This 4+ hours of lecture is available online on Youtube and is like an encyclopaedia of knowledge on the matter of basharaats. If someone listens to this complete lecture, it is not possible to have any confusion left on this matter. Here is the link to the lecture:
Here is a link of Dr.Qadri sahab's book on this topic:
One of our brothers, Syed Sami-uz-Zafar Naushahi, has also written about this matter in detail and it can be read at this link:
After watching Dr. Qadri's video and reading the mentioned articles, it is not possible that any confusion remains on this matter. If someone prefer not to listen or read above quoted lecture/writing and keep his opinion based on the few propaganda clips, there is nothing we can do except prayers of hidayah for that person.
Dr Tahir ul Qadri's Reply To Dream Video Propaganda Aired On Political Programmes