Simple question
What is the root cause of terrorism in PAkistan?
What narrative do TTP and other insurgents using to justify theri act?
What make tribal Areas a breeding ground / epie centre of terrorism?
Answer: U.S.A war involvement / support in war on terror,, remove the Jihad narritive from TTP to expose them by denying any strtitigic support. Don't allow US to drone us....
DI Khan and other similar incident are planned from tribal area (FATA) so who to blame , federal govt and security agencies are sleeping in FATA.
Queta incident, karachi, Punjab and so many other terror incidents are never discussed by media cuz there is no PTI,,,
We will not jump to the conclusions u r drawing, we wwill never endorse ur point of view....
Talat was praised by punjab Govt: for his social work, since thn u will find him endorsing all there acts...