Deafening Silence of Human Rights Organizations


Senator (1k+ posts)
The Human Rights Organisations and NGOs and so called champions of freedom of expression who otherwise have been seen proactive in case of Hamid Mir, Aasma Jahangir or aman ki aasha type journalists , their silence over threats to mistreatment of a few journalists of Pakistan is deafening.... !

Dr Adam

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
The Human Rights Organisations and NGOs and so called champions of freedom of expression who otherwise have been seen proactive in case of Hamid Mir, Aasma Jahangir or aman ki aasha type journalists , their silence over threats to mistreatment of a few journalists of Pakistan is deafening.... !

ڈالر کی جھنکار ڈالیں اور پھر ان کی گز گز لمبی زبانیں چلتی ملاحضہ فرمائیں

ڈالر پھینک تماشہ دیکھ


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
'If the price is right Pakistanis can sell their mothers' is the oft repeated phrase of US judges. Human Rights belong to people who can buy justice. Our Supreme and High court judges have proved so many times and so openly. When will people of this doomed country understand is beyond sane imagination.
