David Attenborough: Stop Feeding Third World Nations to Reduce Population


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Top globalist Sir David Attenborough, who last year described humans as a ‘plague on Earth’, has now gone on record in calling for nations of the world to stop sending food aid to starving nations in order to reduce the population of the world.

Speaking with the Daily Telegraph, the highly decorated psychopath expanded upon his notion that the plague of humanity must be reduced throughout the world. Reduction that, according to him, really starts with starving poorer nations that have been decimated by first world global powers (and could be fed with about a week or so of military spending). The problem, Attenborough says, however, comes down to numerous “huge sensitivities” that continue to block the goal of massive population reduction.

And what are these ‘huge sensitivities’?

Well, it turns out that the ‘sensitivities’ blocking the decimation of the world’s human population include ‘the right to have children’. How truly horrible. Instead, it seems Attenborough thinks that we should revoke the right of citizens to even have children, let alone feed the existing humans in hungry nations. In the interview, Attenborough states:

“We say, get the United Nations to send them bags of flour. That’s barmy.”

Now perhaps the most alarming thing to note here is that this psychopath who justifies his genocide with faulty reasoning is considered a ‘national treasure’ in Britain. Better yet, Attenborough also has 31 honorary degrees from British universities, which is more than any other person. This is in addition to his numerous ‘royal’ titles.

Truly, Attenborough’s comments being met with mainstream media attention in a positive light shows just how far gone the mega media is. Ultimately, there is a war on our right to not only have a family and basic necessities, but life itself. If Attenborough wants to reduce the population and starve entire nations into death, then why does he not offer up his own life first?

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M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
InfoWars.com and Alex Jones

the American version of BrassTacks and Zaid Hamid.

baaki marzi aap ki....
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
چارلس ڈارون کے نا جایز بیٹے سے اسی بات کی ہی توقع کی جاسکتی ہے۔

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
Like it or not, rapid population growth around the world IS A MAJOR PROBLEM.

The need is for CONTROLLING GROWTH...not starving people for crying out loud!!!!

Wasail kam, kumba zyada.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Like it or not, rapid population growth around the world IS A MAJOR PROBLEM.

The need is for CONTROLLING GROWTH...not starving people for crying out loud!!!!

Wasail kam, kumba zyada.

jis ko Allah iss dunya mein bhaijna chahay, uss ko anay sey koi nahi rok sakta..
Aur jis ko Allah paida karta hai, uss ki rozi roti ki zimedari woh khud leta hai.

Agar koi bhooka hai, to woh insaanon ki administrative ghaltion ki waja sey hai.....na kay abadi ki ziyadti ki waja sey.

Population is not increasing. It is disproportionate. Ever wonder why western countries are always open to immigration? Because they dont have enough people. Japan's population will actually start receding in another 30-40 years. Problem is exploitation and mismanagement by humans. A new child coming into this world does not take away food from anyone else.

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
[h=2]David Attenborough Calls Humans a "Plague on the Earth.” Isn’t He Sort of Right?[/h] By Will Oremus
Posted Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013, at 8:37 PM

Sir David Attenborough addresses the audience at the opening of an exhibition of Edward Lear’s artwork in the Ashmolean Museum on Sept. 19, 2012 in Oxford, England.
Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images

Every now and then, Britain’s best-loved naturalist takes a break from spying on the bedroom behavior of birds of paradise to sound off about humans’ impact on the environment. When he does, it almost always makes headlines—not only because he’s Sir David Attenborough, but because he calls it as he sees it.

In October, he took Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and America at large to task for their failure to face up to climate change. That sentiment may have ruffled a few feathers stateside but is relatively uncontroversial in his home country. This time, in an interview with the UK TV-listings magazine Radio Times, he stepped in it a little deeper.

We are a plague on the Earth,” Attenborough said of humanity as a whole, in a quote promptly picked up by London’s Times and Telegraph and plastered on the Drudge Report. “It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so.” The full interview is available only in print, but the Independent cribbed from it liberally enough to give you the gist. “It’s not just climate change,” Attenborough went on. “It’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now.”

Now, insulting the entire human race isn’t generally the best way to win friends and influence people. And Attenborough’s remarks drew a predictable gnashing of teeth from online commenters and cranks like the National Review’s Wesley J. Smith, a senior fellow at something called the Center on Human Exceptionalism. Smith accused Attenborough of “demonstrating my thesis that environmentalism is growing progressively anti-human.

But Smith is exactly wrong. If anything, environmentalism has grown progressively pro-human since the 1960s and ’70s, when books like Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb spooked a generation of activists into advocating various desperate population-control measures. Such sentiments are so rare in the environmental movement these days that it made national news in 2011 when one lonely group dared broach even the mild suggestion that voluntary birth control could be good for the planet.

Other environmental groups the Times contacted for the article “generally declined to discuss the issue or did not return calls,” upholding a longstanding taboo on the topic.

These days the most effective environmental arguments seem to be those that tie climate change to deadly extreme-weather events like Hurricane Sandy. Complex and slippery as those associations may be, they work because they tap into people’s strongest instinct: self-preservation. Modern environmentalists have fully internalized the lesson that you don’t get very far by telling people that their very existence is the problem.

So why would Attenborough say such a thing? Because, at 86, he’s an unreconstructed member of the old guard. Because he’s a knight and a national treasure and there’s no one to tell him he can’t. But more importantly, because his life’s work has given him a fundamentally different lens on humanity.

As a naturalist and nature-show host, his livelihood is intertwined not with the stock market or the gross domestic product, but with the fortunes of the world’s non-human species, from insects to penguins to lemurs. And when you look at it purely from their vantage point, there is no denying that humans have made quite a mess of the land, not to mention the sea.

Calling humanity “a plague on the Earth” isn’t politically correct, and life would be grim indeed if everyone shared Attenborough’s assessment. Even if they did, it's not at all clear that population control would be the solution. Still, in a way Attenborough's remarks are a refreshing corrective to the overwhelmingly anthropocentric thrust of today’s environmental movement.

Of course humans should care foremost about humans, but in recasting environmental policy as a question primarily of economic costs and benefits, we risk forgetting the obvious: We are not the only species on this planet. And even as we’re rightly fretting on the effects of sea-level rise on New York City 50 years from now, the plants and animals with whom we share the Earth are getting pummeled by deforestation, desertification, overfishing, and ocean acidification.

Fortunately, the problem isn’t as straightforward as Attenborough’s excerpted quotes make it out to be. Yes, there are a lot of people on Earth, but a steady easing of population growth rates is expected in the coming decades even in the absence of population-control policies.

And yes, we could eventually be in danger of running out of space to grow the food needed to feed everyone, but that’s as much a function of Western consumption habits as sheer numbers. In short, what we need in the world is not necessarily fewer people, but a lighter environmental footprint per person. A man who can sneak up on a lyrebird ought to know something about the possibility of treading lightly.


M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
jis ko Allah iss dunya mein bhaijna chahay, uss ko anay sey koi nahi rok sakta..
Aur jis ko Allah paida karta hai, uss ki rozi roti ki zimedari woh khud leta hai.

Agar koi bhooka hai, to woh insaanon ki administrative ghaltion ki waja sey hai.....na kay abadi ki ziyadti ki waja sey.

Population is not increasing. It is disproportionate. Ever wonder why western countries are always open to immigration? Because they dont have enough people. Japan's population will actually start receding in another 30-40 years. Problem is exploitation and mismanagement by humans. A new child coming into this world does not take away food from anyone else.

Agar yeh waqayi hota, tau dunya mein croreo log bhook sey na martey, ghurbat sey na tarraptey, aur zillat ki zindagi na guzartey.

This happens to MAJORITY of the world every single day from the dawn of civilisation to this very day.

making many babies is NOT an achievement. but having a few and treating them fully with whatever resource you have is a REAL achievement.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Like it or not, rapid population growth around the world IS A MAJOR PROBLEM.

The need is for CONTROLLING GROWTH...not starving people for crying out loud!!!!

Wasail kam, kumba zyada.

Do U think Allah :subhanahu: cannot provide the people whom HE :subhanahu: has sent here? Is there any curtailment in Allah :subhanahu: powers? :naooz:. U must be believing in global warming scam and carbon tax drama?

M Ali Khan

Minister (2k+ posts)
Do U think Allah :subhanahu: cannot provide the people whom HE :subhanahu: has sent here? Is there any curtailment in Allah :subhanahu: powers? :naooz:. U must be believing in global warming scam and carbon tax drama?

I am not here to question what the Quran says. But I am certainly here to question the PEOPLE's understanding of the Quran.

People have DIED because of famine and starvation. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of them. Not just in Africa, but EVERYWHERE in the world.

People have committed suicide when they could not feed themselves. People have been forced to sell their kids to survive.

Now tell THEM what you are trying to tell me. The answer you get from them might make you accuse them of Blasphemy....

Be thankful that you are among the MINORITY who can afford internet, clean water, food, and a house to live in. For there are THOUSANDS more that cannot and are struggling and dying every day.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Then why is the developed world trying so hard to increase their population. Europe,America,Israel and Japan?
(btw Israeli settlers in W bank have one of the worlds highest birth rates an astonishing 6.1)

Why not address these policies?

How about the fact that the average person in third world consumes aprox 100 times less resources, Produces 100 times less pollution then lets say person in UK or America? Wont it make sense to get rid of these Human being which are having an oversized impact and responsible for most of the food consumption(50 % wasted),energy consumption,waste, CO2 emission.

Food for thought. Science especially social Darwinism is often used as an polite disguise for underlying racism, nationalism or imperialism.

Or this sort of back of the envelope calculations is what's called in science a Malthusian Disaster. It has been shown to be a logical fallacy with no basis in observed facts.

Also the west has made sure to destroy agricultre in the third world and make it dependent on its "food aid" , its a means of control.
(Like recent famine engineered in Somalia that killed quarter of a million to subdue the insurgency, I can link to details if anyone is interested)

Any one who has read history even superficially knows that nations,industrial revolutions,advanced societies have always been built on demographic dividends.
Once a population growth rte falls below 2.1 it collapses. Many examples of this through out history.
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I am not here to question what the Quran says. But I am certainly here to question the PEOPLE's understanding of the Quran.

People have DIED because of famine and starvation. THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of them. Not just in Africa, but EVERYWHERE in the world.

People have committed suicide when they could not feed themselves. People have been forced to sell their kids to survive.

Now tell THEM what you are trying to tell me. The answer you get from them might make you accuse them of Blasphemy....

Be thankful that you are among the MINORITY who can afford internet, clean water, food, and a house to live in. For there are THOUSANDS more that cannot and are struggling and dying every day.

(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap) Millions have died through malnutrition and hunger and continue to die.
