Darkness Before Dawn? The Future of Pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dr Javed Jabbar

Great video. A beautiful presentation by Mr. Javed Jabbar. He quotes Allama Iqbal: ''All that is secular is deeply sacred at the roots of its being''
from Iqbal's collection of lectures called ''Reconstruction of Religious Thought In Islam''. 1919



Minister (2k+ posts)
He has shown the actual Pakistan with peace, harmony and mutual understanding love and respect for the others. Unfortunately, what the western media,
which is very strong, shows only the negative news to achive their goals.

Very good lecture !!!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Hat off Mr.Jawaid Jabbar......................................welldone ......................


If I started to practice Allama Iqbal way of life.. where does Taliban philosophy stands in?

get my point;)