China To Supply 50 JF-17 Thunders To Pakistan On Urgent Basis



Good for pakistan!!I would wish pakistan have 1000+ nuclear bombs ( from 100 now),all advanced weapons,missiles,submarines ,aircrafts; to help it become economic power and fight taliban in region!!

i think so far as india is concerned,it has 60 nuclear bombs(enough for deterrence) and india should not have more than 100 bombs (its useless to waste energy on nuclear bombs!no need to make it)!!

India needs Civil nuclear energy and electricity more than nuclear bombs!!

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
You mean the taliban and alqaeda people living in our cities. Are they going to bombard our cities with jf-70? There is no other who is fighting against us the moment.

Taliban and Alqaida, both are the agents of CIA and other agencies, they are planted in Pakistan to destroy it. They are feeling free, because some Pakistani political parties, such as JUI/JI etc supporting these paid terrorists. Noted: Osama Bin Ladin was also the paid terrorists of CIA, CIA planted him in Afghanistan to defeat the USSA/Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
Pro pakistani? where .. can you guide me ?

Ohh, Kiddo/Child

China will also send Pakistani Satellite in Space on August 14.

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Ammad Hafeez

Minister (2k+ posts)
Good for pakistan!!I would wish pakistan have 1000+ nuclear bombs ( from 100 now),all advanced weapons,missiles,submarines ,aircrafts; to help it become economic power and fight taliban in region!!

i think so far as india is concerned,it has 60 nuclear bombs(enough for deterrence) and india should not have more than 100 bombs (its useless to waste energy on nuclear bombs!no need to make it)!!

India needs Civil nuclear energy and electricity more than nuclear bombs!!

LMAO, then what is it??

India starts work on Phase-II of missile defence system news

But still, India can't compare its technology with Pakistani Missile technology :D


Minister (2k+ posts)
Who told you this that india cannot compete with pakistani technology? can you please provide any credible link of a defence organization.
I dont believe in what $hit the army keeps pumping in. Let us know when they were good at fight beta. THey are always running with there arses towards indians when there is a fight. Ask them to be a muslim army. Ask them to stop =thinking of america as there father. Well i assume most of the generals father will be some goora thats why they are like that. i give a $hit to the army and its $hit generals. Give them nothing until they appologize the nation for all the wrong doings.
And stop posting your rubbish post there is nothing pro pakistani in it. Pro pakistani is for 180 million people not for few generals.
LMAO, then what is it??

India starts work on Phase-II of missile defence system news

But still, India can't compare its technology with Pakistani Missile technology :D


Minister (2k+ posts)
Mental cases have no where to go. The sick generals will go down inshalallah and so will everyone of there colegues. I hate the army for what they have done to our pakistan. The country that pays them everything. The country whose people dont have enough to eat but they pay the army to have every weapon to protect them but whenever the time came they always showed there big fat arses. SIck mental $hit army. Ask them to apologize the nation or the nation will tell them a lesson they will not forget.
Ohh, Kiddo/Child

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Minister (2k+ posts)
propoganda of the sick army. Man you should see some doctor to get your out of trance. lol Grow up. This propoganda will not work any more.

Taliban and Alqaida, both are the agents of CIA and other agencies, they are planted in Pakistan to destroy it. They are feeling free, because some Pakistani political parties, such as JUI/JI etc supporting these paid terrorists. Noted: Osama Bin Ladin was also the paid terrorists of CIA, CIA planted him in Afghanistan to defeat the USSA/Soviet Union in Afghanistan.