I believe that since general Raheel has so wisely agreed to government's request to facilitate negations between the aggrieved parties, he should take a bold initiative today and invite both Imran khan and Dr Qadri to his office to discuss if any progress has been made in their talks with the government regarding PTI demand for prime minister resignation and PAT demand for registering of FIR and resignation of Shahabz Shariff.
I am of the opinion that that this meeting will put pressure on the government to be seriously honest to resolve every conflicting issue with PTI and PAT leaders and save the country from unnecessary blood shed of thousands of innocent citizens of Pakistan that PML-N government and Nawaz Shariff would like to see.
Prime Minister, Nawaz Shariff and this PML-N government are ruthless liars and hypocrites and must never be trusted by C.IN.C of Pakistan and should do what he believes to be in the best interest of country. Nawaz Shariff is only interested in his own personal financial and business interests and gives damn for ordinary Pakistani. He and his cabinet ministers are goons and crooks without morals, ethics or any honesty in their veins.