Bottom Line 27th May 2012 - Saleem Safi, Mushahid Ullah Khan & Rauf Klasra - Formation of New Provin


MPA (400+ posts)
I do not agree with this allegation that MQM is behind Mohajir Province. If we listen to Dr. Saleem Haider, who is leading the Mohajir Province movement, he seems quite distant from MQM ( some bad blood b/w him and Altaf in the past). Instead when I look at Nawaz Sharif who is increasing his relations with Sindhi nationalist (seperatist) like Mumtaz Bhutoo, he may be supporting Mohajir Province movement. MQM Haqiqi which is openly supported by PMLN is also asking for Karachi Province. Shabaz Sharif is the first one who raise the question of Karachi Province. In the past, Zia ul Haq divided Sindh by supporting Sindhi nationalist and Mohajir nationalist. The more Karachi Province issue will be discussed the less chance for Siraiki Province. As a matter of fact MQM has a dilemma now. They want to other provinces as they beleive that their policy to give seats to worker will eventually earn them popularity in other provinces too. But now if they do not support Karachi province then they will loose in Karachi and if they support it then the will not be successful in rest of the country.


It is an open secret, military establishment and Nawaz League is behind the Mohajir province movement in order to create a hurdle for Saraiki province

Formation of Saraiki province means Establishment will lose thousands of acres of land which has been illegally allotted for it's current and ex generals. Nawaz league will lose the financial revenue earned from Saraiki areas which goes into their pockets. Closure of illegal religious seminaries which helps establishment in fuelling brain washed mujahideen etc etc

Establishment's grip on politics will be severely affected which they want to prevent. Educated Saraikis will mean increase in the number of voices which can stand up against establishment whenever it takes a wrong route
