An advice to Gen. Musharaf by Indian Muslim



I have given answer to all your question if you did not get something just read my post again.

CJ iftikhar was, is and likely to remain biased towards Nawaz Sharif, | I wont blame AQ Khan for his statements

You just proved what i said, evryone is wrong Musharf is right.. so no matter what I say I am wrong and you are right.

dont lecture about knowing the Army, you dont know me or my background

I am not intrested in you or your background at all, and you bettter don;t teach me abuot Army, I know very well,... I know how corrupt army is, and how stupid army gernerals copuld be, such as Gen. Rashid Qureshi calling onair ch**t*a to Khawaja Asif (parlimentarian elected by paksitani nation).. Don't worry you don't have to tell me I know very well..

I did not ask you to ask me or tell me anything, you just jumped into conversation and if you want to continue then do with decency , because words can describe you better than you tell me about yourself.
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I have given answer to all your question if you did not get something just read my post again.
i did actually, in the hopes of finding a modicum of logic and an iota of reasoning...but boy was i disappointed!

You just proved what i said, evryone is wrong Musharf is right.. so no matter what I say I am wrong and you are right.
Yes, its a thing i have learned from PML-N people.
Now, remember, since PML-N and its supporters dont listen to reason, they will be met with the same way.

and you bettter don;t teach me abuot Army, I know very well,... I know how corrupt army is, and how stupid army gernerals copuld be, such as Gen. Rashid Qureshi calling onair ch**t*a to Khawaja Asif (parlimentarian elected by paksitani nation).. Don't worry you don't have to tell me I know very well..
hmmm, thought so, and i was right, you know NOTHING about Army, all you know about it is based on your paranoia of your old masters and your vendetta against musharraf..and oh, btw..Rashid Qureshi did the right thing to that Khawaja....he should have been called alot worse! wonder what people's votes are you talking about, the old guard installed them, the same ol' guard took them away!

Please carry on with your praises to nawaz sharif...i have no problem with that, infact i hope that he comes to power next time. but remember one last thing, my friend: the moment you over-step the line in accusing musharraf falsely, then be VERY prepared for the onslaught!


i did actually, in the hopes of finding a modicum of logic and an iota of reasoning...but boy was i disappointed!

Well to understand you have to be broad minded instead of having typical narrow mindset which is alwaz reluctant to acknowledge the facts. Well my boy! unlike you, I am not dissappointed at all from your reaction as it is normal from most Musharaf supporters. SO nothing new to me.

Yes, its a thing i have learned from PML-N people.
Now, remember, since PML-N and its supporters dont listen to reason, they will be met with the same way.

I gave you reasons but you are keen to find spell mistakes rather than understanding the argument.
I repeat it for last time and in simple words; according to AQ Khan, CJ Iftikhar Chudhary, Kashmiri Leadership, Balouchistan Leadership, PMLN, PTI etc (Major Stake-holders) are all agreed on the point that Musharaf is a traitor and must be tried in court of justice according to article 6. Your different opinion as a supporter of Musharaf does not mean that he did not voilate the constitution. It will be finally decided in court of justice or in parliment once PMLN will gain power. so lets wait for that time. (Musharaf also used to say that Judges are gone they won't be restored, he turned out to be wrong and Judges got restored)

you know NOTHING about Army, all you know about it is based on your paranoia of your old masters and your vendetta against musharraf..and oh, btw..Rashid Qureshi did the right thing to that Khawaja....he should have been called alot worse! wonder what people's votes are you talking about, the old guard installed them, the same ol' guard took them away!

Rashid Qureshi is a representative of nation or Khawaja Asif?? THis is the typical thinking of Elite Corrupt army Gernerals and Officers they think that they are above LAW, It is just like this that You get elected in your town by your community and one" Badmash" comes and takes your charge on gun point. I salute PMLN and PPP in this regard if they would have retaliated agaisnt Army then country would have gone into civial war. Secondly abuse of a Parliamentarian (elected by the votes of Nation) by an Army General who has no right to rule or do politics is shameful. Great people always talk with decency and pride not with abuse. So you defending his cheap behaviour isn;t impressive at all if thats what you think.
Please carry on with your praises to nawaz sharif...i have no problem with that,
[hilar] you think i need your permission who to praise and who to not?? [hilar]Its your misconception.. you tell yourself who to praise and who to not.. don't worry about me.(thumbsdown)

but remember one last thing, my friend: the moment you over-step the line in accusing musharraf falsely, then be VERY prepared for the onslaught!

My dear friend, you keep your guidelines and suggestions to yourself for your own good sake, I damn care what you tell me or ask me to do, its none of your business; I give my opinion best to my knowledge and understanding and I always stick with it (thumbsdown)

yes PEACE for Alwayz !!!
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