Allah's Miracles - A miracle of Islam in Nepal


Minister (2k+ posts)
My sister got this in sms, not real details known at this time..
They were constructing masjid minarett, when they needed crane to install gumbad (top part) the contractor refused telling that ask your ALLAH to install it. The imam got Ziyarat of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH telling him to put white cloth on the gumbad. He did the same. Rest ALLAH KNOWS BEST..
As brother yousuf said that we dont need these things to accept ALLAH's power as all the universe, galaxies & this world with all the creations are more than enough to understand & accept it.


Councller (250+ posts)
It looks like the top of the Minar flying into position.
Reaction from the crowd tells me its for real.


it's fake one, no doubt Allah almighty can do that, but if u watch this video carefully u will notice that its fake, see when the tomb is placed on its location every buddy is going as nothing has happend, if i would b there i would knee down to Sajida, 2nd if u wath this video closely the tomb is going as it is bind with rope, so this tomb is placed with the help of crane which is invisible in this video. WALLAH-A'ALAM


Minister (2k+ posts)
Got real video. It is from Indonesia..
From a blog on net:-
This is an interesting event that shows the dome flying when it was just about to be replaced. The event took place in Kailolo, Haruku Island, Maluku-Indonesia, in 2008.

There are some who refute this as a bluff, some believe that miracles do happen. There are also some quarters that believe that this is the work of a Muslim Jin. This incident was reported in the Indonesian TV, Trans 7. As the dome flew higher, the video shot also includes the clouds. As it flew higher, i noticed a strange formation in the clouds. Check it out! Details of this paranormal incident can viewed in this video below.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
I forwarded this video to some of my freinds & my brothers. My brother pointed out correctly that in this same manner Hazrat Suleman AS(Peace be upon him) built the temple in Jerusalem with the help of Jinn. So this dome is fitted with the help of muslim jinn.


New Member
Fake Miracle

Through the Internet we often receive an email that talks about evidence of Allahs greatness or miracle of Islam or miracles of Allah without any proof, Usually, the news are in the form of a surprising: the form of images or natural events that are strange or unusual that muslims believe on it

1. Have we ever inquired or questioned the authenticity of such images when you recieve in email,or see in facebook pages/ gallery?
2. Honestly, do we need to proof the truth of Islam or the greatness of Allah this way?

I saw this video approx 1 yr before,but i ignored itbecoz it was not very popular,but today im exposing this becoz now this lie is spreading like a fire,among muslims,from desktop to mobile.Every where.
There are many Brother and Sisters who believes on this video.and they are busy in sharing with others, without thinking twice What if this is FAKE?
They forgot that its unauthorized content,having no proof,
before sharing you must verify the info,if you are not doing,you will be held responsible in the court of Allah SWT for whatever you have said or done.
Unfortunately, many brother and sisters DO not care for this ,in order to save my brother and sisters from gaining bad deeds im exposing the facts of this claimed miracle! Since there is hadith which says

What ever i wish for my self,i must wish same for other brother and sisters,
I wish Jannah for my self,and want the same for others too

Visit the below link for the good research about this incident.


FAKE MIRACLE :: Flying Dome of Mosque in Nepal

Assalam Alaykum,
Praise be to Allah swt,
Today im going to discuss about this claimed miracle associated to Allah SWT.
Thanks to Allah Swt for helping me,indeed all praise be to Allah,without his help,i was not able to do any thing.
Through the Internet we often receive an email that talks about evidence of Allahs greatness or miracle of Islam or miracles of Allah without any proof, Usually, the news are in the form of a surprising: the form of images or natural events that are strange or unusual that muslims believe on it
but before we trust on such pictures or contents i want to ask you
1. Have we ever inquired or questioned the authenticity of such images when you recieve in email,or see in facebook pages/ gallery?
2. Honestly, do we need to proof the truth of Islam or the greatness of Allah this way?
open following link for the rest


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Jazakallah Brother for taking so much pain to expose the falsehood. It is another Chakwal style Miracle.


Senator (1k+ posts)
bhai jaan O bhai, yaar what is your problem, I also dont believe it until I see it my self
And What about hundreds of people standing their you recon they all had problem with their vision and 1 more the Minar was lifted from the ground it was not in the sky all the time.
So I dont agree with all your facts they are so so


Minister (2k+ posts)
So much introduction and no proof has been presented how its fake?
I have no opinion on it one way or the other. But please give us some proof how are you saying its fake.


MPA (400+ posts)
We as a muslim believe that Almighty Allah is the greatest of all, and when ever He wants some thing to be happend He just have to say it, so we pray that Almighty Allah save us from the falsehood, dis guidance of bad peoples. we cant comment if we r confused...


MPA (400+ posts)
So much introduction and no proof has been presented how its fake?
I have no opinion on it one way or the other. But please give us some proof how are you saying its fake.
Never belive videos where compression is lossy because you cannot get exact information from it
pattern of Dome are varying in each frame problem is low quantization + lossy compression

I will say fake


Voter (50+ posts)
ofcourse its fake ....if not then for next time i aint getting any builders... iam getting three aalim or whoevr to fast for three days so i can built a patio.....


Minister (2k+ posts)
This video & believing in it, IS NOT IMAAN or NECESSITY FOR MUSLIM OR MOMIN.. Point is there is valid proofs of existance of JINN. So it is possible no doubt as i have told u about Hazrat Suleman PBUH temple, as it was purely built by jinns.
But it is true that this video may or may not be fake, so we should not make it decisive for our IMAAN..
