Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath 16th June 2010 - Prof. Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman


Minister (2k+ posts)
yar solute to Dr. Ataureham.... he is a real gem.... thanks Allah we got such talented and highly qualified person....

Par ese zaheen logon ko hata kar Jamshed Dasti jesa dasta hamari **^^ mae thok dia gaya hae.... Afsos hae PPP ki gandi zehniat par....


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This is what we need. We are just looting the country. we need educational revolution.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Kamran Khan, you are deliberately giving easy ride to Zardari by discussing unrelated issues. We don’t need people like Prof Atta ur Rehman, we already got 57000 highly educated and genuis people in Muzaffargarh. Do you think we can get Educational Reforms when our Law makers in the Assembly consists of People like Jamshed Dusti.


Councller (250+ posts)
I salute Dr Attaur Rahman, l love his ideas, but unfortunately western interested,installed Jagirdar Govt do not care about the people like him but Jamshed Dasti and gunda gerdi, because rotton person is on the top, My GOD put my Country on right path with right leadership.

ahmed raza

New Member
Alternative ways for tackling the energy crisis in Pakistan....

Following a speech of Prof. Atta-ur-rehman, stressing need of alternative energy progress in pakistan, here is one of our Pakistani Expert:

Pakistani Expert on "Hydrogen Energy/Fuel Cells"

Dr. Eng. Naveed Akhtar (Working on H2/FC Since 2001)

A. Raza

I salute Dr Attaur Rahman, l love his ideas, but unfortunately western interested,installed Jagirdar Govt do not care about the people like him but Jamshed Dasti and gunda gerdi, because rotton person is on the top, My GOD put my Country on right path with right leadership.
