55% Pakistanis believe Pathans, Kashmiris best looking


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ISLAMABAD: A total of 55% of Pakistanis believe Kashmiris and Pathans have the best looks in the country, according to a recently released survey by Gilani Research Foundation/Gallup Pakistan.
The survey asked a nationally representative sample of 2,666 men and women across the country the following question:
In your opinion which people in Pakistan are the most good looking?
Kashmiris and Pathans stood out as the best looking amongst all linguistic groups, with 29 per cent voting for Kashmiris and 26 per cent for Pathans. Other responses accounted for 45 per cent of the entire vote.
The figure varies from province to province, with admiration for Pathans at 21 per cent in Punjab, 15 per cent in Sindh, 50 per cent in Balochistan and 64 per cent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Votes for Kashmiris stood at 31 per cent in Punjab, 40 per cent in Sindh, 21 per cent in Balochistan and 4 per cent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The recent survey was carried out among a sample of men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country.
Error margin is estimated to be approximately + 2-3 per cent at 95% confidence level.
The complete survey report can be found here.



Senator (1k+ posts)
Another politician is on the way after the victory of Pakistan in 2011 World Cup and Guys are admired with his beauty same as Imran.

Guys of Pakistan, what happened to you? Are we in Taliban ERA?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Another try to divide us...First by Lisaniyat ,then by Sects and now by Physical appearance.(Rang).


First yaar agar cricketer ko vote dena talibanization to hum ba hesiat taliban parast qoum hai [hilar]
Another politician is on the way after the victory of Pakistan in 2011 World Cup and Guys are admired with his beauty same as Imran.

Guys of Pakistan, what happened to you? Are we in Taliban ERA?


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: 55% Pakistanis believe Pathans, Kashmiris best looking
Another try to divide us...First by Lisaniyat ,then by Sects and now by Physical appearance.(Rang).
Guys why are you passamist,why your thinking is so negative.....take it easy dear,and take it just as survey.Thanks


MPA (400+ posts)
It does not matter what Pakistanies think. It is a fact. The norther you go in sub continent or even in Asia you get fairer complexion, stronger built and longer height. The more south you go skin is darker, heights are shorter and built is thinner. It is natural. So look at where Tamil Nadu, Srilanka are and then look at Russians, Kashmiris, Iranies , Afghanies etc.


I dont agree .... the most good looking person is Altaf Hussain. LOL !!!!
Boss just a joke ....OK!!! no hard feeling.


Minister (2k+ posts)
yes it is true... Altaf hussain is the most good looking person in MQM ... lol
Can anyone name the Vegetable he resembles with?????


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
It does not matter what Pakistanies think. It is a fact. The norther you go in sub continent or even in Asia you get fairer complexion, stronger built and longer height. The more south you go skin is darker, heights are shorter and built is thinner. It is natural. So look at where Tamil Nadu, Srilanka are and then look at Russians, Kashmiris, Iranies , Afghanies etc.

Aboultely correct analysis . Hence the reason Pakistanis are more good looking then indians . North Indians are comparatively better looking and also they are closer to pakistan and look quite similar to people from punjab in Pakistan. People in indian occupied kashmir are very good looking as they are pure breed of kashmir. Even the kashmiris and pathans settled in any part of the world stand out different from any other community .


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Geek ! looks to me that u r focusing on Kashmiri or Phatan families for marriage.....Allah Acha kre.
