ہمارے تین خلفا راشدین شاہ ایران کے سمدھی ت&#17


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This may not be an information for most of the enlightened members of this elite forum but it may be for the many members like me with a moderate level of knowledge. So I will narrate a little bit.

I was listening to a known scholar for his lecture on Taabi'een. To my pleasant surprise I came to know that three of our khulafa-e-Raashdeen were relatives of the then last Shah Iran titled "KISRA".

It is time of 2nd Khalifa-e-Rashid. Iran is conquered. Spoils, slaves(male, female) are coming to the capital of Islam. Among these slaves were the three daughters of KISRA. It came into the knowledge of Bab-ul-Ilm Hazarat Ali ibn abi Talib (RA) that three daughters of the KISRA are among the slaves and their eyes are full of tears. Maula Ali (RA) approached the Khalifa-Ul-Rasool Hazrat Umar (RA). And brought the matter into the notice of the later along with Hadith Rasoolpbuh about the good treatment with the families of the elites of your enemies. Hazrat Umar (RA) requested Hazrat Ali (RA) to please guide him what to do. Hazrat Ali (RA) said that in an open auction the price of these slaves (daughters of KISRA) should be payed and they should be set free to go wherever they like to or choose partner whomever they like to. The Khalifa (RA) agreed.

At there free will choice the three sisters made the following choices:

  1. The first one of them chose the house of Hazrat Ali (RA) and she was married to Imam Hussain (RA).
  2. The second one of them chose the house of Hazrat Abubakar and married his son Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr.
  3. The third one chose the house of Hazrat Umar (RA) and married Abdullah ibn Umar (RA).
Can U imagine who are blessed sons of these blessed ones? Yes.

  1. Hazarat Ali ibn Husain ibn Ali (AS) also known as Imam Zainul Aabdeen ibn Hussain (the sole survivor of the unforgettable tragedy of Karbala)- He was among the Greatest Tabieen and one of the most righteous person and imam of his time. And a person of greatest stature and reverence for our Shia (Asn-e-Ashri) brothers.
  2. Hazrat Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr. He was among the Greatest Tabi'een and one of the most righteous personof his time.
  3. Salem ibn Abdullah ibn Umar He was among the Greatest Tabi'een and one of the most righteous personof his time.
http://www.pleasantviewschool.com/media/Islamic History/Tabi'een/Tabieen_07-18-04.mp3

Note: The sole purpose of this information sharing is to share information about our forefathers.Jazakallah(Guidance and comments about the aforementioned information is requested please)Jazakallah


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Please do mention that 3 out of 4 were killed ...Question here is... Y ? if that had supposedly the best system?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
May Allah guide you to the truth of Islam.

Please do mention that 3 out of 4 were killed ...Question here is... Y ? if that had supposedly the best system?

We Muslims call it shahadat in the way of Allah. Shahadat is the dearest wish of all the believers. All the Khulafa did the service of Muslims and Islam. It is their efforts that Muslims are here to guide the non believers. Dear brother may Allah help you study and understand the era of these Khulafa-e-Rashdeen. I pray to Allah that HE may guide you to the relegion of truth-Islam. (Amin)


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This is not the answer for the argument I raised ....I understand and share your devotion and respect for these personalities.My point shouldn't be taken as disrespect for them rather I would say it will help us to understand that era bit more.
As far as you prayed and advised me to read more on this topic is really really best advice one can get.I have not only read few books about this era but also their successors i.e Bano Abbas, and Bano Ummayya .....

Please have an unbiased look on it.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This is not the answer for the argument I raised ....I understand and share your devotion and respect for these personalities.My point shouldn't be taken as disrespect for them rather I would say it will help us to understand that era bit more.
As far as you prayed and advised me to read more on this topic is really really best advice one can get.I have not only read few books about this era but also their successors i.e Bano Abbas, and Bano Ummayya .....

Please have an unbiased look on it.

if you have already read books on the subject and you must be abreast of the situation at the time, then why raise an argument?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This is not the answer for the argument I raised ....I understand and share your devotion and respect for these personalities.My point shouldn't be taken as disrespect for them rather I would say it will help us to understand that era bit more.
As far as you prayed and advised me to read more on this topic is really really best advice one can get.I have not only read few books about this era but also their successors i.e Bano Abbas, and Bano Ummayya .....

Please have an unbiased look on it.

Don't get directly into bano Umaya and bano abbas. Start from the Seerah of the Last Prophet. And always keep in mind that Ashab-e-Rasool were just normal human beings. They were not supernatural beings. They were not Prophets or infallible. What was going to happen in the times of Khulafa-e-Rashdeen was very clearly mentioned in the authentic ahadees in Bukhari & Muslim. The Hadees about Hasnain Kareemain is case in point. That was will of Allah to guide the Ummah of the future.

I would be guided if u could please refer to a perfect government or time in the history of mankind which you think was or is better than the way of the governance at times of the Last Prophet and the Khulafa-e-Rashdeen.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This is not the answer for the argument I raised ....I understand and share your devotion and respect for these personalities.My point shouldn't be taken as disrespect for them rather I would say it will help us to understand that era bit more.
As far as you prayed and advised me to read more on this topic is really really best advice one can get.I have not only read few books about this era but also their successors i.e Bano Abbas, and Bano Ummayya .....

Please have an unbiased look on it.

Would you please like to enlighten me as to what was the real purpose behind raising such an argument?


Senator (1k+ posts)
let it be a political forum and may be few other topics. please avoid such AHADEES OR INCIDENTS and topicsrelated with reliegon always create hot exchange of views because of us being from diffrent school of thoughts.Moderator is requested to find some solution for it please.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
جدا ہو دین سیاست سے تو رہ جاتی ہے چنگیزی

let it be a political forum and may be few other topics. please avoid such AHADEES OR INCIDENTS and topicsrelated with reliegon always create hot exchange of views because of us being from diffrent school of thoughts.Moderator is requested to find some solution for it please.

My dear Rana Sahib!
Muslim can never separate deen form siasat. In the words of Allama Iqbal
جدا ہو دین سیاست سے تو رہ جاتی ہے چنگیزی
Brother if we get in depth knowledge about the Seerah un Nabi, life of Sahaba and Tabiee'n and you will find no difference and conflicts among these beacons of lights.

The real problem arises when we people consider the age of the Last Prophetpbuh and his companions as a supernatural age and consider them supernatural human beings and when a human lapse regarding the companions comes before us we start brawl.

From the depths of my heart, I will post the following link which contains the authentic audio lectures by Dr. Bashaar Shala (A known cardiologist) about:

1. Seerah of the Last Prophet.
2. Companions of the Prophet.
3. Khulafa-e-Rashdeen
4. Tabiee'n
5. Fiqhah Imams
6. Banu Umayyad
7. Banu Abbas
Stories of the quraa'n.


Just copy these Mp3 files in your mobile phone and get the most rewarding knowledge without much effort.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Please do mention that 3 out of 4 were killed ...Question here is... Y ? if that had supposedly the best system?

Your question is wrong and it contains a flaw.

Best system is not the one in which there are no bad people.that place is called jannat.In this world good and bad people are a part of society and the battle between evil and good will continue as long as there is life on this planet.

Not only the 3 Caliphs were murdered but the ahl e bait imams were also killed one after the other.
question is if they were best people of their age then those who killed them or those who are behind their killings ,they definitely are forces of the evil.

Allah says in Quran me tumhain zroor azmaoon ga.
Azmaish hr dore me he .


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
@ Samar

The Sahada of these three Khalifa's was due to the absence of "Civilized Conflict Resolution Methods" within the system they inherited. If best of the best time out of 1400 years (Time of 4 caliphs) established on these divine rules had fallible "Power Transfer rules" then these unfortunate demises were inevitable.If 75% of the leadership had been assassinated then it does raises so many questions....


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
@ Samar

The Sahada of these three Khalifa's was due to the absence of "Civilized Conflict Resolution Methods" within the system they inherited. If best of the best time out of 1400 years (Time of 4 caliphs) established on these divine rules had fallible "Power Transfer rules" then these unfortunate demises were inevitable.If 75% of the leadership had been assassinated then it does raises so many questions....

Would U please get acquainted with the ground realities of that era. Which do U think was the "Civilized Conflict Resolution Methods"? Whom do you think could be the more civilized people on the face of the earth. It is the time about which The last prophet said "Khairul Qaroon e Qaroon e Haza..........". Would you please like to quote a society which you think was or uses more "Civilized Conflict Resolution Methods" than that of these Khulafa-e-Rashdeen.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
When any of the respected members comes cross Rubbish by the Zionist cops, he must tackle it with patience or pass it by with DIGNITY & HONOR.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Please do mention that 3 out of 4 were killed ...Question here is... Y ? if that had supposedly the best system?
Khalafat means running State affairs according to guidance provided in Quran & Sunnah. Khalafat does not make Khalifa immortal. Prophets are being martyred does this mean institution of Prophet-hood failed.

Is supposed to be the best system is free from this flaw?
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Please do mention that 3 out of 4 were killed ...Question here is... Y ? if that had supposedly the best system?

Three out of four Khulafa were killed, that has absolutely no reflection on the system. Let me give you few examples. There is very little crime in Saudi Arabia compared to rest of the world, does that make it a very good system? Higest number of crimes happen in USA, does that make it the worst system? Please answer my questions, then we will take this discussion further.


Minister (2k+ posts)
@ Samar

The Sahada of these three Khalifa's was due to the absence of "Civilized Conflict Resolution Methods" within the system they inherited. If best of the best time out of 1400 years (Time of 4 caliphs) established on these divine rules had fallible "Power Transfer rules" then these unfortunate demises were inevitable.If 75% of the leadership had been assassinated then it does raises so many questions....

I disagree with you civilized conflict resolution methods are no guaranty to avoid conflict.
thats what is proved from that incidents.

Its totally negative approach if you look at it like that in case of a conflict we have to know the reason of the conflict and according to that we can decide who was responsible for the conflict.

Muslims were expanding at that time and those who hated islam were always in search of an opportunity to destroy it.And they did target the most important personalities in the muslim world.

I am surprised why you clearly ignore the advantages of that system.
A better discussion would be to discuss the fitnas of that time how people of that time faced these fitnas ,and such fitnas will be around us till the day of judgement.