C'mon Man, How can you compare Imran Khan with Ganjaaaaaaaaaaa .
Khan always step ahead and Ganjaaaaaaa is following just like twitter
aray yaar,....kis norray aur luteray say comparison kr rhay ho khan sb kaa.....
there is no comparison
My "Burger Family" friend please stop your nonsense. They both are saying same thing and there was no horse race that IK won.
Please do not compare a zan*** with Sharif.
My "Burger Family" friend please stop your nonsense. They both are saying same thing and there was no horse race that IK won.
My "Burger Family" friend please stop your nonsense. They both are saying same thing and there was no horse race that IK won.
اس تھریڈ کو بند کرو۔یہ ایک بے کار بحث ہے۔ ایک مسیحا کا موازنہ ایک چور کے ساتھ کیسے ھو سکتا ھے۔ ایک ملک بچانے نکلا ہے۔ایک اپنی اولاد اور اپنی جاءداد بچانے دوبارہ آنے کی کوشش کر رھا ہے ۔ سوچنے والی بات ھے۔ ان کا کیا موازنہ ۔۔
did he sleep with anyone close to you that you know IK is like that... i am not using bad words but you should know what i wanted to say,,,, sharam karo,,,,,,Please do not compare a zan*** with Sharif.
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