عمران خان نے دونوں ہاتھوں سے لوٹا اور قوم کو تقسیم کیا،خواجہ آصف


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
They keep making false allegations.They should file cases against Imran if they believe he was involved in corruption.They are barking to divert attention from their own corruption.Thus Khoja was working as a sweeper in UAE.He got residency of UAE so he could launder money.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
"اوورسیز پاکستان ہمارہ اثاثہ ہیں ملک سے محبت کرتے ہیں"

کسی جانے خوف کے پیش نظر ہم اوورسیز پاکستانیوں کو ووٹ کا حق نہیں دینا چاہتے
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
After making multiple statements about Islamophobia in Canada, Khwaja Asif blamed Imran Khan for dividing nation and using Canadian MP to hurl remarks over Pakistan.

This is probably in context with Canadian parliamentary members' speech in parliament where he said:
“General Bajwa is accused of two toppling two governments of Pakistan, [and] the military under his command has been involved in human rights abuses, extrajudicial killings and has links to terror groups.” Source

Now Khwaja Asif somehow spun this and put this on Imran Khan that because of him, he used his supporters and influence there to blame Pakistan. When in reality this guy, Tom Kmeic was marching with Tareq Fatah for Sindh's independence movement.

Khwaja Asif absolutely refrained from repeating what was said or mentioning the subject Bajwa or establishment when he was speaking in parliament. Probably cos if he repeated what he said, they would remember that they were saying the same thing for the last 3 years.

But lets breakdown and see who has been saying what Canadian MP Tom Kmeic said.

1. INDIA - ofcourse shouldn't be a surprise

1. PMLN / PPP / JUIF etc have throughout been saying that Bajwa was responsible for toppling their govt. Nawaz Sharif & Maryam have openly said in pubic speeches that Bajwa should resign. There are tons of news articles since 2018 available for their stance.

2. This whole SAATH forum journalists (Hussain Haqqani, Gul Bukhari, Afrasaib Khattak, Gulalai Ismail, Marvi Sarmad etc. ) have been labelling our armed forces as a thorn in democratic govt and blaming them for intervening in parliamentary process + blaming them for enforced disappearances.
& look who is supporting them lately in their conferences legitimising them. Ishaq Dar, Farhatullah Babar Mohsin Dawar aren't they part of govt now?

This whole forum has been continuously against PTI throughout, even today the only party they criticise is PTI & armed forces. Now PPP & PMLN stalwarts are joining them. yet shamefully no one was there in parliament to shove this on Khwaja Asif's face when he laid out this bitter criticism over Khan on Canada's issue.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
لوٹ مار کے لئے آسانی اور اپنے جرائم کو ختم کرنے کا کیس ٹو کیس قانون عمران خان نے بنایا یا اس کتوں کے ریوڑ نے؟
عمران سے پہلے محبت تھی؟ جب زرداری کو سڑکوں پر گھسیٹتے تھے جیلوں میں ڈالتے زبانیں کاٹتے تھے عورتوں پر فحش جملے سکتے تھے ؟ عمران نے صرف تم لوگوں کی کرپشن سے نفرت کی ہے جو قوم عمران کی سیاست میں آنے سے پہلے ہی آدھی زرداری اور آدھی نون لیگ سے کر رہی تھی۰ اب اہل محبت سارے ساتھ ہیں اب کیا کیڑا لڑ رہا ہے کہ قوم عمران کے ساتھ ہے؟اور چور ایک طرف ہیں؟
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Minister (2k+ posts)
کینڈا اور تیرا کیا مقابلہ جاھل انسان ، انھوں نے باجوہ پر تنقید کی تم اسکا کا جواب دو کیا ، اسلاموفوبیہ کو ڈھال بنا کر اپنے فراڈ کو بچانے کی کوشش نہ کرو۔


MPA (400+ posts)
canada aik falahi riyasat hy yahi wo nezam hy jo hum overseas pakistani islami so called jumhori pakistan main chahty hain tum jaysay zalam mafiya ny awam ko ghulam bana rekha hy inshallah jeet imran khan ki yani haq ki ho gi .


Senator (1k+ posts)
Tu nay Kashmala Tariq de maar maar kr ussey Federal Ombudsman lagwaya ussey Turkey ley ja kr kehta raha " Koi Hiya hoti hy "" Tu apna bhuda lora ussey dekha dekha kr Hiya Oil use kr apni izzat bechata raha! @//@.(!)....
