عمران خان مجھے اپنے بیٹے سے بھی پیارا ہے،بزرگ خاتون آبدیدہ


Minister (2k+ posts)
پاک فوج کے پلید جنرلز ہی
جنرلز بھی پلید ہی نکلے ہیں ۔
افسوس تو ہوتا ہو گا؟
قوم زندہ باد کے نعرے لگاتی رہی ڈیفالٹ کے دروازے سے جہنم میں گرا دی گئی مگر اس نے خاکی وردی کو غلاف کعبہ سے مقدس جانا
اس پر شک نہیں کیا ۔
مگر اسی خاکی وردی کے نیچے خفیہ ایجنسیوں کے غلیظ اور پلید اہلکاروں اپنے پالنے والے پاکستان کے مقروض عوام کو عمران ریاض خان کی طرح اغواء کرتے رہے اعظم سواتی اور پروفیسر ڈاکٹر شہباز گل کی طرح برہنہ کر کے تشدد کا نشانہ بناتے رہے ۔
جمیل فاروقی اور ایاز امیر پر حملے کرتے رہے ۔
مگر قوم نے اس خاکی وردی پر انگلی نہیں اٹھائی ۔
اب سازش پلید جنرلز اور حکمران سیاسی بدمعاشیہ کی ۔ کور کمانڈر ہاؤس میں تخریب کاری بھی خود کی ۔
ہجوم کو اسکے اندر سازش اور مکاری سے داخل ہونے پر اکسایا ۔
الزام قوم کے غریب عوام پر جو اپنے ووٹ کا حق مانگ رہے تھے ۔
اسقدر مجرمانہ افعال پر بھی قوم نے ان پلید جنرلز اور خاکی وردی پر تنقید کرنا گوارا نہیں کیا ۔
لیکن ظلم اور ذلت تو تب آشکار ہوئی جب عدلیہ کے احکامات تسلیم نہ کرنے والی کریمینلز کی حکومت کو آشیرباد یہی پلید جنرلز دے رہے ہیں ۔
آخر ابلیسی ٹولہ کبھی نہ کبھی تو ننگا ہونا ہی تھا ۔
لعنت ہے ایسے مقروض اور معصوم قوم کا مال کھانے
والے پلید جنرلز پر ۔
اس سے پہلے پاکستان میں بہت سے اچھے محب وطن جرنیل تھے لیکن باجوہ اور عاصم نے صرف ایجنٹوں کو اعلیٰ عہدے پر ترقی دی ہے۔ اگر کوئی بھلائی تھی تو انہیں جنرل سرفراز کی طرح موت کے گھاٹ اتار دیا یا سابق کور کمانڈر لاہور کی طرح دور کر دیا۔


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
عمران خان پر اس نسل کو خراب کرنے کا الزام ہے


Voter (50+ posts)
Very right - He is dear to the people of Pakistan, but people of Pakistan are not that dear to him. He will not back down as the candidate of next PM, even if havoc is played with the people of Pakistan.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Very right - He is dear to the people of Pakistan, but people of Pakistan are not that dear to him. He will not back down as the candidate of next PM, even if havoc is played with the people of Pakistan.
and we dont want him to back down because SMQ and AO are not adequate replacements. I give SMQ credit for resignation on RDavis affair, AO was a huge disappointment. We dont trust them, as they are products of the system, not an outsider like IK and nowhere near his guts to resist this system. so yes we want IK, or Muhammad Ali Khan or Murad Saeed. outsiders with guts, not these company kay chawal in naee packing. SMQ's sajda and peeri rubs many educated ppl the wrong way. A peer is a guide not a replacement for a nabi. Spiritual guide not leader. Dont even get me started on this sajjada nasheeni, gaddi nasheeni crap. We saw with sahaba, where the kids were so different than their fathers.


Voter (50+ posts)
and we dont want him to back down because SMQ and AO are not adequate replacements. I give SMQ credit for resignation on RDavis affair, AO was a huge disappointment. We dont trust them, as they are products of the system, not an outsider like IK and nowhere near his guts to resist this system. so yes we want IK, or Muhammad Ali Khan or Murad Saeed. outsiders with guts, not these company kay chawal in naee packing. SMQ's sajda and peeri rubs many educated ppl the wrong way. A peer is a guide not a replacement for a nabi. Spiritual guide not leader. Dont even get me started on this sajjada nasheeni, gaddi nasheeni crap. We saw with sahaba, where the kids were so different than their fathers.
I am definitely not in line with SMQ's or Asad Omar's religious beliefs - so that discussion is just a red herring. As far as the prevalent situation is concerned, all the stakeholders have to step back a little from their stern positions if they want to save the country from a complete annihilation.

I hope very soon, people like you would start seeing the reality - but for that you need to come out of the false spell of IK's romance. May Allah help us all.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I am definitely not in line with SMQ's or Asad Omar's religious beliefs - so that discussion is just a red herring. As far as the prevalent situation is concerned, all the stakeholders have to step back a little from their stern positions if they want to save the country from a complete annihilation.

I hope very soon, people like you would start seeing the reality - but for that you need to come out of the false spell of IK's romance. May Allah help us all.
Napak fouj ka kutta hai tu


Senator (1k+ posts)
I am definitely not in line with SMQ's or Asad Omar's religious beliefs - so that discussion is just a red herring. As far as the prevalent situation is concerned, all the stakeholders have to step back a little from their stern positions if they want to save the country from a complete annihilation.

I hope very soon, people like you would start seeing the reality - but for that you need to come out of the false spell of IK's romance. May Allah help us all.
Step back from what from the constitutiomal right of election? Why


Minister (2k+ posts)
Very right - He is dear to the people of Pakistan, but people of Pakistan are not that dear to him. He will not back down as the candidate of next PM, even if havoc is played with the people of Pakistan.
Public want him as PM and overseas too. No substitute of imran khan