علی محمد خان رہائی کے بعد ایک بار پھر گرفتار


Senator (1k+ posts)
I thought of making some family member a Hafiz e Quran too but now I am thinking to try to make them good muslims rather than Hafiz like parrots with no faith what they remember - no matter how sacred it might be - sorry HAM sayb.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Beghairat you should be ashamed of laughing at someone's misery. When people are being oppressed by fascist bastards and you are ecstatic then that means you are one of them. May Allah punish the transgressors.
He is not oppressed. He looks happy heading back to Jail. Better than attending Cocaine house in Bani Gala. By the way, Allah is punishing them right now. They are running from one place to another.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
بےشرمی، بیغرتی، اور اخلاقی گراوٹ مخلوق خدا پہلے بھی دیکھتی آئ ہے دیکھتے آی مگر ............. مگر ذہنی گراوٹ یہ لیول شائد آجتک کسی نے نہ دیکھا ہو​


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
بےشرمی، بیغرتی، اور اخلاقی گراوٹ مخلوق خدا پہلے بھی دیکھتی آئ ہے دیکھتے آی مگر ............. مگر ذہنی گراوٹ یہ لیول شائد آجتک کسی نے نہ دیکھا ہو​

وڑائچ صاب ، اور کرو خرمستیاں ۔
ان بیجوں میں تیل نہیں ھے ، دوسری فصل ٹڈی تیار کرو ۔


Minister (2k+ posts)
He is not oppressed. He looks happy heading back to Jail. Better than attending Cocaine house in Bani Gala. By the way, Allah is punishing them right now. They are running from one place to another.

If you actually believe that Allah is punishing those who were trying to get rid of the corrupt status quo then you are a lost cause. Enjoy your akhira with your masters and Dajjal.


Minister (2k+ posts)
ان شاءاللہ ان کا حساب ضرور ہو گااور میرا رب بھولنے والا نہیں ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
If you actually believe that Allah is punishing those who were trying to get rid of the corrupt status quo then you are a lost cause. Enjoy your akhira with your masters and Dajjal.
I think Allah is just and fair. Burning own houses, desecration of shohda's statue and memorials, creating unrest and chaos in the country, these are some of the things Allah doesn't like. Allah doesn't like shur and fasad.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I think Allah is just and fair. Burning own houses, desecration of shohda's statue and memorials, creating unrest and chaos in the country, these are some of the things Allah doesn't like. Allah doesn't like shur and fasad.

You got your priorities backwards as expect from followers of dajjal. You value properties and idols more than the lives of muslims who were killed in cold blood during the protests over the last year.
Over 25 people were killed on 9th May yet your fascist Government refuses to acknowledge this. Absolutely no police or army officers were killed which is very telling of what happened.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You got your priorities backwards as expect from followers of dajjal. You value properties and idols more than the lives of muslims who were killed in cold blood during the protests over the last year.
Over 25 people were killed on 9th May yet your fascist Government refuses to acknowledge this. Absolutely no police or army officers were killed which is very telling of what happened.
You are irrational emotion full freak. The kind of chaos, unrest and destruction the whole nation has seen can never be justified.
I may joke a lots here but the reality is that you guys lost it. I do not see any of you can rise above personality. For you IK is above Pakistan. For me Pakistan is above everyone. The way these supports are begging for Indian intervention, it tells me who is on the satanic side.


Minister (2k+ posts)
You are irrational emotion full freak. The kind of chaos, unrest and destruction the whole nation has seen can never be justified.
I may joke a lots here but the reality is that you guys lost it. I do not see any of you can rise above personality. For you IK is above Pakistan. For me Pakistan is above everyone. The way these supports are begging for Indian intervention, it tells me who is on the satanic side.

Your fascist masters have all but destroyed Pakistan and you have the gall to blame PTI supporters. Where is constitution? Where is rule of law? They have broken all the institutions to hold on to power.

The corrupt and shameless Generals and their puppets are not interested in you and I. All they care about is making as much money as possible and retire in another country.
Tell me where Bajwa is living and where Musharraf lived out his final days? Bhutto's and Sharifs use the country but their real homes are in the UK or Dubai where they are syphoning off most of the money robbed from the Pakistani awaam.

I know for sure you can never prove that IK has built an empire outside his coutry of birth. I repeat once again, you see the truth as falsehood and the false as the truth, a trait of the followers of Dajjal.
