supreem court

  1. Digital_Pakistani

    Geo and 24 News did their thing.

    Fawad Chaudary on the news that Govt has made NAB toothless. Fake news... CJP never said this. I was in the Court. It was said by one Journalist.
  2. I

    سپریم کورٹ کے فیصلے کےبعد حکومتی آپشنز؟کیا نوازشریف مریم نواز کو گروی رکھا گئے؟جانیے صدیق جان سے

  3. S

    آرمی چیف کی ایکسٹینشن کا نوٹیفیکیشن صحیح طریقے سے جاری نہ کرنا عمران خان کی نااہلی کی انتہا

  4. P

    Siddique Jaan shares his exclusive details of Gen Bajwa Extension case in SC

  5. P

    Dissension of Supreme Court about army Chief extension

  6. K

    CJP SaqibNisar orders to remove Bilawal Zardari's name from ECL

  7. A

    Justice System in Pakistan

    what does chief justic had done in four years apart from chasing zoordari, he broke all the promises that he would bring reforms in lowest juidicry, he could at least instruct a lowest judicry to complete the pending case and finish it off still thousand of cases murder,rape roberry are pending...
  8. atensari

    سندھ کارڈ کا استعمال کب، کیسے اور کیوں
