
  1. M Ali Khan

    'MI5 stopped Scotland Yard taking Anjem Choudary down, sources claim'

    More evidence that these "brave mujahid" Jihadi preachers in West were and always have been intelligence assets and informants preying on the minds of dumb idiots among Muslim immigrants who suddenly "find Islam" in West. The security services repeatedly prevented Scotland Yard from pursuing...
  2. M Ali Khan

    European Jihadis

    European Jihadists: The Continuation of a Historical Trend Analysis August 19, 2013 | 0531 Print Text Size Greek police in Athens attempt to disperse Muslim protesters in September 2012. (LOUISA...
  3. dukelondon

    Post-OBL Pakistan: Why doesnt coward Zardari bell the fauji-jihadi cat? by Mahvish Afridi (MUST!!)

    Post-OBL Pakistan: Why doesnt coward Zardari bell the fauji-jihadi cat? by Mahvish Afridi Osama bin Laden's presence in a Safe House in the military garrison city of Abbottabad proves that Pakistan army and Al Qaeda are not two separate entities. While some sincere friends as well as...