
  1. crankthskunk

    Murdoch Empire crumbles: Fox Hacked Phones, Black Ops room in FOX HQ

    Recently, there has been a storm brewing in the UK. As a result of Phone hacking scam run by the NEWS Corps, in the UK. The revelations are coming thick and fast. Even though earlier things were hushed up, but now all hell is breaking loose. This is the beauty of Democracy and rule of Law...

    Fox News hacked for Barack Obama assassination hoax

    FOX NEWS : US President Barack Obama is Dead Hackers took control of an official Fox News Twitter account and posted false updates claiming that President Barack Obama had been assassinated The verified Twitter account for Fox News Politics has been hacked and been used to claim that...
  3. Geek

    PEMRA slaps CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC, Fox on the wrist for illegal uplinks

    Pakistan Electronic Media and Regulatory Authority (PEMRA ) has issued notices to various foreign news channels for illegal up-linking. These channels include Fox News , CNN , BBC , Al jazeera , Star News , Sky News , IBN and NBC. These channels were covering Osama Bin Ladens story from...
  4. Nawazish

    "President Obama is Dead" Fox News

  5. karachiwala

    Regular FOX Contributor Charles Payne This Is About A One World Government * The Alex Jon

  6. S

    Pakistan's Response to Fox News Story - PAKISTAN OR PORNISTAN

    BROTHERS AND SISTERS, My dear friends see below a Pakistani's very powerfull response to FOX NEWS on calling our country PORNISTAN. The author has shown the mirror to the Western Media, share this with your 'gora' and...
