
  1. A

    Lets see what Ansar Burney does for these Pakistanis without any Indian.

    http://www.dailyazadiswat.com/epaper/2011/08/12/page1/details.htm?c5.gif http://www.dailyazadiswat.com/epaper/2011/08/12/page1/details.htm?p6.jpg
  2. Bilal_Mushi

    Ansar Burney likely to be next Sindh governor

    Ansar Burney likely to be next Sindh governor Renowned humanitarian worker Ansar Burney is likely to become the new Sindh governor. According to sources, Burney was contacted during President Asif Ali Zardari’s London visit. Two key figure of the government also held a...
  3. R

    After Indian media's harkat,New topi drama being planned to gain maximum PR for Burney and Ibad,Indi

    Well there are reports that after what the Indian media did or is doing to spit on Pakistan, after their Indian govt.'s shameful reply. Burney has planned a media blitz with Governor Ibad, a new topi drama of welcoming Indian citizens to Karachi and then Burney escorting them to Mumbai. Indian...