
  1. D

    Bright future of Pakistan

    1. Dr. Safdar Mehmood first mentions about an astrologer S.B. who lives in Canada in these days but basically he is a Pakistani. When that expert astrologer came back in Pakistan in July 2010, he met with Dr. Safdar Mehmood and told him about Pakistan future. That astrologer said, Dr...
  2. A

    pakistan,s future is bright if these leadership remains

    It,s blessing of god that we are given wonderfull leadership really the four strong pillars like zardari,kiyani,ch iftikhar&gilani along with strong side pillars nawaz,shabaz,altaf,wali&fazlurrehman in presence of these strong leadership pakistani,s shouldnot worry for their future rather pray...
  3. Jack Sparrow

    Abhi tu Agaaz Hay ,Bright Future of Pakistan about to Begin (Orya Maqbool Jan)

  4. rimkhan1

    **Caught on Tape**- Ranger Shoots a Boy in Bright Day Light in front of everyone.

    They are not learning any lessons from Kharotabad killing of Chechens Where mera pyara Pakistan is going? Rabana Zalamna Anfusana wa in lam takhfirlana wa tarhamna.
  5. haqiqat

    Use a 2-liter bottle as a 50-watt light bulb.
