
  1. btghazwa

    Muhammad (SAW) by Martin Lings

    Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources Muhammad (SAW) by Martin Lings
  2. Nawazish

    Who is Going to buy Imran Khan's Upcoming book? If you do,~~~ Like this post!~~~~

    Even If someone gives the book to me for free, I will still buy Imran's book, so he gets the money. Just wondering how many of you are as excited as me? (bigsmile) If you are going to buy the book, Please Click LIKE :)
  3. A

    Recommend me some book about the life of Muhammad (PBUH)

    Salam all, Please recommend me some book on the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh. The book should be detailed, authentic, least least disputed, in urdu. It would be an added advantage if it is easy to understand (light urdu). I would be very thankful if someone could provide me the pdf...
  4. 1 ummah

    PART 1 - Introduction to book "A complete guide to the rules of fasting" by Sheikh Abu this is a book about the laws of fasting which I have named 'Al Jaami'u li Ahkaam As Siyaam' (A complete guide to the rules of fasting). It has been...
  5. mrcritic

    Altaf Hussains book My Lifes Journey launched - HILARIOUS LINES

    Karachi—The launching ceremony of the book “My Life’s Journey” containing the autobiographical account of the initial struggle of the founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) Mr Altaf Hussain was held at a local hotel in Karachi. Noted personalities from different walks of life...
  6. Geek

    Sarmila Bose's book, "Dead Reckoning" accuses Bengalis of 1971 war crimes

    Forty years ago Bangladesh won its independence from Pakistan in a short but brutal civil war in which it was claimed as many as three million people could have died. A book released to coincide with the anniversary has reached some highly controversial conclusions as the BBC's Alastair Lawson...
  7. chitra

    Saints and sinners - Book review

    Book review: Saints and sinners Sunday Magazine Feature By Bisma Tirmizi Published: July 3, 2011 How can I live fearlessly, love passionately, be content, and speak honestly? Delve into The Forty Rules of Love and a natural flow of real emotion will take over. You will find yourself...
  8. Zionist Hindu

    ISI scripted Mumbai attack, Qaida cleared it: Shahzad book

    Delhi: Slain Pakistani journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad in his book titled 'Inside Al-Qaeda and the Taleban -- beyond bin Laden and 9/11' describes the Mumbai plan as one pushed through by Ilyas Kashmiri, a key al-Qaida ally with wide links with the Pakistan defence establishment. Shahzad, who...
  9. abbasiali

    Breaking news, I have found the BOOK which has given in brief, how to understand WOMEN, try your luc

  10. Rana Tahir Mahmood

    AQ Khan about Musharaf - Revelation in Dr. AQ Khan's Book - Arraza
  11. Rana Tahir Mahmood

    British royals dined on human flesh: Book - Yahoo News

    British royals dined on human flesh: Book May 22, 2011 at 18:51 Views (2956) | | 8 | | | ShareShare retweet Like By IANS London, (IANS) - British royals who have long been famed for their love of lavish banquets and rich recipes also had a taste for human flesh, according...
  12. mohib

    Sexual health book in Pakistan schools draws protests.

    Karachi, April 11 (IANS) A school book on sexual health, which exhorts use of 'secure procedure' during sexual intercourse, has been termed controversial as a parent asked 'Is this what we send our daughters to learn from school?' The school book on sexual health is part of the curricula for...
  13. sarmad

    Mahatma Gandhi 'racist and bisexual' claims new book

    "A controversial biography of Mahatma Gandhi has claimed that the revered political leader was racist and bisexual. Great Soul, written by former New York Times executive editor Joseph Lelyveld, makes several new claims about the man who led India to independence. "...
