PM Imran Khan addresses Government employees in Lahore | 23 September 2018


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جنھیں نوروں نے حرام منہ کو لگا دیا ہے انھیں نہ عزت چاہئے نہ خود مختاری نہ اختیارات انھیں مال چاہئے بس


MPA (400+ posts)
Never heard a PM talking to bureaucracy like this, in sha Allah we will see change in Punjab bureaucracy in next 5 years.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Good lecture on buerucracy but why did you send them letter for peace talks. Talks wont be successful until india is seriously interested in talks or asking for talks. It would be great if pakistan talk to india from power of strength.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Iss k kehney aur karney mein farq hai . Nawaz is iut we aĺl know he nawaz is full of corruption . Ik ney dissappoint