I Am appalled by Haider Mehdi
I am appalled. I am appalled at the apathy of Pakistani society in not supporting for once what is clearly ( in my lifetime at lest ) the most serious and deep rooted attempt at reform. I am appalled at the pretentiousness of many otherwise perfectly logical and sane people, for not supporting this serious attempt to get rid of this terrible putrid sewerage system of so called democracy, so cunningly labelled by self serving politicians to safegurad their golden geese. These poliicians who have destroyed all semblance of good order and governance, simply because of this label of so called democracy. Look at these names who have been in political power in one form or shape or the other, be it a civilian or military administration. Look at this horrible horrible roll call. Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Ishaq Dar, Saad Rafique, Asif Zardari, Khurshid Shah, Fazlur Rehman, Asfandyar Wali its an endless list of self serving, corrupt to the core, people. While some may criticise IK and TUQ for resorting to "undemocratic" methods. Here's something to ponder. What choice do IK and TUQ and and people like us have. We cant boot the Nawaz Sharifs and Asif Zardaris out through the electoral process because they have "bought" the entire process. We cant take them to court, because they have "bought" the entire judicial system. We cannot hold them for administrative impropriety. misgovernance, gross and blatant use of authority in appointments, misuse of public funds, corruption, brazen conflict of interest because they have "bought" the entire administrative structure. So IK and TUQ and people who want reform had and have no option but to resort to what they have done. Because, while theoretically we have a parliament and an elected government and there is due process for acquiring power, the system has been hijacked and held hostage by these "professional crooks" masquerading as political leaders. Look at Khurshid Shah thundering in parliament, earlier today and look at the sickening amount of ill gotten wealth he has acquired through corruption since 1991 when he was ifrst elected as am MNA. Can anyone justify this terrible and blatant hypocrisy and criminality. While some may not like IK's arrogance ( I do) or TUQ's Canadian citizen ship ( irrelevant). BUT If these two can set in motion the wheels of change for a better, prosperous Pakistan with strong institutions, especially the Police and the Judiciary, an electoral process which does not hand over power to a bunch of professional crooks with just 10 to 15 % of the registered vote, a system of political accountability which does not allow people in power to blatantly and brazenly misuse authority and public trust and public funds, and a country where no one Faith is imposed on another, I am all for it. And for those professional politicians with IK ( not many with TUQ) who think that they will benefit once again from the 'IK" bandwagon, as they have done on other bandwagons in the past...I think they are in for a surprise!!