Why Pakistani's hate India and Hindus so much?

Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)

Most Indians don't understand why Pakistanis hate us so much. So my questions to users of this forum are as follows:
1. Why you hate us so much?

2. When you express your hate towards India why many of you say HINDUS and not Indians, as I have found most Indians (some exceptions in Kashmir apply) irrespective of ethnic or religious background have similar view of Pakistan.

3. Is Kashmir the only issue? will your animosity finish if Kashmir problem is solved amicably? Will we start living like good neighbors after that or you guys will start day dreaming about gazwa e hind?
4.While debating many of you like to bring religion even when the subject is something else. When you attack Indian instead of attacking what he has written you attack his religion? why?

5. Many of you don't seem to respect our religion then why do you expect us to respect yours?

6. Many of you write that you are not like Indians but superior than them, some one recently commented that Pakistanis are superior race? So what race are Pakistanis? Why do you think you are superior?

7. Why many of you deny your Hindu or ancient Indian heritage, don't we share the same history? Then why do you think you are closer to Arabs than to subcontinent?

8. Shouldn't Hindu be more angry towards Muslims? when was the last time Hindus conquered any Muslim territory. We were ruled my Muslims for 700-800 years and by British for remaining years. Even after that instead of revenge mentality India is trying to become secular society.

...... this is what I can remember right now but i shall put some new points later on.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Nepali Pandit said:
Most Indians don't understand why Pakistanis hate us so much. So my questions to users of this forum are as follows:
1. Why you hate us so much?

I don't hate indians. I guess our elders did went through so much during the partition, they were bount to hate each other but now the situation is different, its our politicans who make us hate each other for their political purposes. Otherwise we have a lot of things in common and we can get along nicely.

2. When you express your hate towards India why many of you say HINDUS and not Indians, as I have found most Indians (some exceptions in Kashmir apply) irrespective of ethnic or religious background have similar view of Pakistan.

That's who we had beef with at the time of partition and that was the reason Pakistan was created. We can't live under the shadow of hinduism. That is the card most politicians play when the election time comes.

3. Is Kashmir the only issue? will your animosity finish if Kashmir problem is solved amicably? Will we start living like good neighbors after that or you guys will start day dreaming about gazwa e hind?

Yes, Kashmir is one the biggest issue that causes the problem between us. I hope it resovles soon.

4.While debating many of you like to bring religion even when the subject is something else. When you attack Indian instead of attacking what he has written you attack his religion? why?

Well not all of you do that but there are many indians on this forum who blame Islam for everything. The dearest thing for Pakistanis is their religion so you better not entice it.

5. Many of you don't seem to respect our religion then why do you expect us to respect yours?

I can say the samething about you guys.

6. Many of you write that you are not like Indians but superior than them, some one recently commented that Pakistanis are superior race? So what race are Pakistanis? Why do you think you are superior?

What the hell.....lol.... We belong to the same race. I have never heard this before. Did you just add this to make this interesting? Even if one person says that, why do you blame the whole country. That's just funny.

7. Why many of you deny your Hindu or ancient Indian heritage, don't we share the same history? Then why do you think you are closer to Arabs than to subcontinent?

Yes, we might be hindu before and belong to that heritage but thank god we follow the true relgion now. Atleast that is what we think, so you should respect that.

8. Shouldn't Hindu be more angry towards Muslims? when was the last time Hindus conquered any Muslim territory. We were ruled my Muslims for 700-800 years and by British for remaining years. Even after that instead of revenge mentality India is trying to become secular society.

Yes they are, watch this video ;)


Nepali Pandit

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

thank you brother lahori for reply,
regarding this:
6. Many of you write that you are not like Indians but superior than them, some one recently commented that Pakistanis are superior race? So what race are Pakistanis? Why do you think you are superior?

What the hell.....lol.... We belong to the same race. I have never heard this before. Did you just add this to make this interesting? Even if one person says that, why do you blame the whole country. That's just funny.

I can post you more than 20 comments similar to this one posted by typhoon few days back

Bharatis were dravidians, like tamil people. When ariyans had children with them, they geneticaly were prettier and more ariyan like, therfore they said since they have our blood, they should be placed as the highest cast, the brahmans. Actually Brahmans are children of dravidian women who were used by ariyans.
You see, we are much much more superior, culturaly, historicaly and geneticaly so therefore promote yourself.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

What i have written about the aryans invasion in the sub-continent and how the local dravidians were driven to the southern parts are based on true historical facts. No one can deny them.
When aryans who came from the area which are named as Sapta-sindh (now-Pakistan), they interacted with local hindu women who actually were dravidian. The result was the Brahamins. Because they had our blood in their veins, they were placed over the rest of dravidian hindus.
Yes we are more superior, yes we are much prettier, yes we have a superior culture, yes we are more powerful and more intelectual than the hindus in india.
That`s the reason why we have ruled them for over thousand years.
Thats the reason why indians/hindus closer to the Pakistani border are prettier than indians in the rest of bharat.
We are Aryans and you are dravidians like Tamil people and the native abouriginees in Austrailia.

If someone wants a closer check, please go to any anthroplogical library.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Why many of you deny your Hindu or ancient Indian heritage, don't we share the same history? Then why do you think you are closer to Arabs than to subcontinent?

---You truly need to understand for Muslims the bond of Islam surpasses anything else that's what you all have witnessed through out..Islam bonds us like one family and i believe this concept does not sit well with indians especially :)

--Muslims where ever they may be,belonging to different ethnicites,different languages and race has this special connection that can never ever be broken and that is Islam :D

--All indians (especially hindus) are stuck to the point of us being the same,most of us take it on religious basis since that being our true identity,country does come second.This concept is yet again not understood by indians coz Islam is entirely and completely different from most of indian's religion (hinduism).

---We Pakistanis being Muslims feel proud of this special and unbreakable connection with arabs in this very sense and you should all get this down your throat as well,afterall if according to you we were so similar there wouldn't have been any need for Partition :)

--As per your suggestion of culture then you are right a lot of it has been adopted in Pakistan in our different festivals and ceremonies which is ofcourse NOT islamic. :cry:

--As being good Muslims we should take care of our neighbours and the rights of neighbours have once again been taught to us by Islam. :)

--For all this to comprehend ya'll simply have to get thru one thing only and that being "Islam is a proper guideline for all Mankind,and as being followers of this beautiful religion,more so for us" and a good muslim tries his/her best to adhere to it as much as possible,part of a reason we all keep our religion Superior to any thing else.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Typhoon said:
What i have written about the aryans invasion in the sub-continent and how the local dravidians were driven to the southern parts are based on true historical facts. No one can deny them.
When aryans who came from the area which are named as Sapta-sindh (now-Pakistan), they interacted with local hindu women who actually were dravidian. The result was the Brahamins. Because they had our blood in their veins, they were placed over the rest of dravidian hindus.
Yes we are more superior, yes we are much prettier, yes we have a superior culture, yes we are more powerful and more intelectual than the hindus in india.
That`s the reason why we have ruled them for over thousand years.
Thats the reason why indians/hindus closer to the Pakistani border are prettier than indians in the rest of bharat.
We are Aryans and you are dravidians like Tamil people and the native abouriginees in Austrailia.

If someone wants a closer check, please go to any anthroplogical library.

oK...... "Mr pretty and superior culture"
Nepali, ignore this guy. He is probably not even a muslim, If he believes in this crap.

This is what our relgion teaches us.

"There is no superiority for an
Arab over a non- Arab, or for a non- Arab over an Arab,
or for a white over a black, or for a black over a white,
except through piety." Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

and noone has a right to judge anyone. Only Allah or GOD can judge. We have no right to judge anyone. ONLY ALLAH CAN JUDGE!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Very nicely put brother lahori.

people like typhoon give muslims a bad name.

What the bloody hell, we are more prettier :lol: :lol:

thats just crazy funny.

pretty typhoon, tumhara dimagh kahan gaib hai


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

If typhoon is right then Ku Klux Klan are right in saying this that white race is more superior than any other race because they are more "prettier" lol


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

lahori said:
This is what our relgion teaches us.

"There is no superiority for an
Arab over a non- Arab, or for a non- Arab over an Arab,
or for a white over a black, or for a black over a white,
except through piety." Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

--Brother lahori,

This hadeeth without explanation can give a wrong impression so i'll clarify it was said for "Muslims" that muslims can not call themselves superior over each other and the only parameter distinguishing them would be Piety amongst them and not their looks or any thing else,the second part in itself signifies the equality amongst all human beings and no cast or color can make them superior over one another.

--Having said this,it should never ever mean any other human being is inferior and that falls under the category of "Rights of People" and under this guideline all human beings are equal and if were to harm any other fellow human being for no reason then the punishment for it in Islam is extremely stern.


Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Islam teaches us "Love for all hatered for none"
Islam told us all human beings are created by one God (Allah) so they are one family.
But hate should be for the evil not for the person.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

abrehman said:
But hate should be for the evil not for the person.

---True, hatred should be against evil and NOT against person that i clarified in my previous comment in the rights of people in Islam :ugeek:


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

This so-called question really is more of a comment

a) Pakistanis and most Muslims (except what some of the corrupt, savage mullaa teach) believe that Allah the Exalted put us on earth in various races etc. for identification purposes only!

b) Also, there is no doubt that Pakistan has different races of people i.e. Pakhtuns, Baloch etc. vs. India which similarly has different races so I don't understand what the issue is?........Some races are gifted/blessed by Allah the Exalted in certain areas and others blessed in other ways...like the Germans vs others in Europe vice versa..This, as one can logically conclude regardless of your beliefs is a beautiful act of Allah the Exalted, otherwise, it would be a really boring world.

c) Now, this whole thing about Pakistanis hating India beacuse you guys are Hindus is really just a pathetic and ignorant accusation..Besides a few morons, you would never hear that from an average Pakistani.

d) With that said, the crux of the issue is the Indian policies which are geared largley towards destalizing Pakistan and a great source of trouble as they are largely based on India relentlessly kniving to harm Pakistan..i.e. supporting militants in FATA, Balochistan, 700k troops in Kashmir...killing nearly 70k people there so far...couple of Wars etc. etc..it's just a little tough to swallow in Pakistan.

e) Also, the fact that India wants to project a great power image based on bollywood as well as the new found love and nexus between US/Israel is unsettling to say the least....

f) As far as the western powers are concerned, their objectives are clear, they want to destroy the Muslims and have worked feverishly to make certain that Pakistan continues to remain destabilized. A Nuclear, economically viable, stable Pakistan is hardly in their interests and India helps in all their efforts to harm Pakistan, thus the haltered against the Indian policies which spills over at times..


Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Just watched the video of that HINDU imature girl, attacking Pakistan, its beliefs, culture and Islam, and calling the Muslims Impure. Muslims don't eat RATS and place COW Urine into there food, unlike Hindu's.

We Muslims don't hate India or Hindu's we have Islam which is the Whole Truth which Protects Hindu's , Jews and every non-muslim in the world when the Islamic System is in place and any Muslims that have hatred or Mistreats a non-muslim/Hindu would be severly punished by the state, you see my friend this is why Muslims Love Islam it is Just and is beautiful. UNLIKE HINDUISM BJP etc who never protected the minorities in India, where the Indian Police turned a blind eye to the suffering of the Muslims in Gujarat.

Let me tell you when the bombs have finished exploding on the muslims, when the rubble has been removed and when the smoke clears, We MUSLIMS will still be on the seen. 8-)

When we Muslims accepted Islam our Hindi history and heritage and culture was removed from our Hearts and Replaced with the beauty of ISLAM where our love for the Prophet(pbuh) love exceeded for our own parents, his stuggle , pain, and joys became ours. Something you Hidu's will never understand unless you study and see the failure of your own religion and hence you would become Muslims. You would see that this Brahman, untouchable religion is evil and you would see how all muslims are equal.

See my friend what is the purpose of your exsistence, How did we get here, who created us and for what purpose, who created the universe. When you come to the conclusion that there is a creater we have to prove his exsistence, God is not statues or people, he is unlimited and not dependent statues and human gods are limited in shape , height, colour, and are dependent on the stone they have been carved out of and the human is also dependent on the food and water, and it is a proven fact that anything that is dependent and limited can not create itself, hence it has been created by humans which you call Hinduism. So you can see from this that your Gods can not help you nor harm you.

As for Islam this is superior, who muslims call Allah who is Unlimted and not Dependent on anything. When we have come to a conclusion that God really does exsist, we ask ourselves what does he want from us, how does he communicate with us, this is where we see that God communicates to us through messengers and prophets who came with miracles otherwise people would not believe them, so what is a miracle something that defies the law of the universe, Jesus cured the blind and sick, Moses changed the staff/stick into a snake which ate the Pharoes snakes, and Muhammed(pbuh) brought the Quran.

So when you look into this you see that Hinduism is a manmade religion that is why they never want to debate it, and its never the case that Muslims hate Hindu's it the other way round where you have HINDU's hating MUSLIMS why because we are on the truth, we believe in the truth.


Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

dear Khilafah 1924

its all ignorance,miscommunication and that creates gap in human races.

everybody love his religion and should respect others.

the bigger misconception about Hinduism is that it is created by man.

it is more than 7-8 k old religion.has holy book bhagwad gita .it has lot
of scriptures,vedas.that explain about universe.it gave yoga to the world.
have its own ayurvedic medicine therapy.

I don't want to go in superior or inferior race.
but you guys should ask yourself why always blame others for
your own problems.

I have always concluded from your conversation that you guys are obsessed with
islam and made it more theoretical.

if you guys are superior,why pakistan couldn't remain together despite a small country & one religion compare to India

India a huge, diverse and complex society remain one and grows(add Sikkim,arunachal)after independence.has more bigger muslim population

bloachistan is almost gone from pakistan,pathans never wanted to join pakistan.
if india is playing game in bloachistan ,you guys are playing openly in kashmir.

if Islam is bond between muslims,why indian muslim are still called muhajir in pakistan
and label as traitors.

you guys take name of Islam for guaranteed to solve every problem.
destroyed whole generation in the name of holy war.
you label your own people as traitors.(qadiyanis)
your country is on the verge of collapse by your own deeds and still blames
others rather than asking yourself.

this blame game will never end.

if some thing is not going good it mean something is wrong.

my bigger question about ISLAM is

is ISLAM a religion,DEEN or NIZAM.what you want to put first.
your mullahs has confused the whole generation by traslating holy quran
for there own way and benefits.you all scholar translate it in different ways

islam is a beautiful religion,you guys have harmed it in a big way by your own

my religion does not stop me to read quran,bible and other scriptures for knowledge.

there is a saying in sanskrit that means religion reflects intelligence and knowledge.


Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

may GOD bless you guys and all of us
and almighty give us knowledge to coexists and respect each others way of life.

let not be slaves of past and of 2% people who make life life of rest
98% people a hell for POWER(iktedar)


Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Nice to know my friend that atleast you are trying to think and get answers of some questions.coming back to ur question we dont hate anyone but we are forced to hate india when we hear every one screaming against pakistan when on 13 of may 1999 all india was talking about conquering islamabad and destryoing pakistan,when we see our innocent citizens being killed by indian army in kashmir ,when we see our citizens being killed in so called peace train near wahga border,so after seeing all this how could you expect us to say we love india if u say so i wonder u do live in realistic world.


Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Dear mhrmohni

Indian kashmiri are indian citizen,you should stop worrying about them.

just worries about innocent bloaches, which pak Islamic army is killing,
citizen of swat and whole province.

pak army has has killed more muslim and then anybody other


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?



Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Why pakistanis hate India and Hindus so much?

Killing Baluch people? my ass!...Those terrorists that are supported by other countries to destabilize Pakistan DO NOT REPRESENT BALUCHISTAN OR BALOCH PEOPLE.I lived in Quetta, went to school there and know Baluchistan very well.

As far as I am concerned, the Army should annihilate those terrorists in Baluchistan as well as the corrupt Sardars i.e. Bughti that wanted to run their little mini states within the federation.

Dont you dare for a second mock our brave Army that has sacrificed over and over again for our beloved Nation, all the while corrupt mullaa, politicians, Sardars, the justice system and now some in the media eats away the country from withinThank GOD for Pakistan! otherwise you would've been enslaved as many Muslim are in India...