Why Matt Waldman must be sued


Staff member
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
by Mosharraf Zaidi
The buzz being generated by an LSE discussion paper is truly electric. The paper itself is rather unremarkable, alleging long-alleged, long-acknowledged, and long-standing links between Pakistani intelligence and the Kandahari Taliban (those Taliban associated with Mullah Omar and the original extremist political movement that rose in the Afghanistan of the 1990s). What is remarkable however is the vigor and confidence with which the author uses already established theories and facts to libel the president of Pakistan.
Matt Waldman, the Carr Center fellow who wrote the report claims to have interviewed 54 different people, out of which at least nine are Taliban field commanders in Afghanistan, ten are former Taliban government officials, twenty-two are Afghan elders, and thirteen are foreign diplomats, analysts and experts. In a report that is essentially about Pakistan, Waldman must be the worlds unluckiest researcher, having been unable to interview a single one of Pakistans more than 180 million people. Waldman is at least honest about this, claiming no conversations with Pakistani officials, military officers, or indeed, any ISI agents. Not having spoken to an ISI agent is an aspect of the report that stands out. Because, if there is one thing Waldmans research really tries to prove, it is that the easiest thing to find in Afghanistan, other than finely-cut heroin, are ISI agents.
Remarkably, not a single one of the 54 honest and endearing protagonists in Matt Waldmans story wanted to be cited by name, or go on the record. In the footnote detailing who the nine Taliban field commanders are, he offers no details, stating that Due to safety concerns each commander insisted on anonymity. This is terribly confusing. Waldmans Taliban commanders dont seem to have any particular safety concerns when blowing up and killing Gen Stanley McChrystals JSOC boys while they are on patrol in Helmand. But an LSE report with their names in it scares the jihad right out of them?
Of course, Waldman is not the first to ravage Pakistans policy of supporting religiously-motivated armed groups that support Pakistans foreign policy objectives through terrorism. Pakistanis and foreigners have both advocated for years about the inherent risks of a strategy that creates monsters than have no pause, or stand-by button. Most of us have based our critique of this approach of using proxy warriors, whether Kashmiri, or Afghan, or Pakistani, on the very real damage they do to Pakistan itself, to the moral case they claim to espouse, to the establishment of a fledgling democracy, and to the prospects for prosperity and peace across the entire region. Matt Waldman tries with his paper to join a long and distinguished list of critics of Pakistani proxy warfare, not with substantial critique, but with rehashed polemics about the inherent evil of Pakistans flawed national security paradigm.
Waldman is also not the first to draw conclusions from circumstantial facts. Since at least late 2007, Pakistani hypernationalists have been propagating the ideas that the TTP is an externally-funded terrorist coalition. Where else could the TTP possibly get its money, these war-loving, hypernationalists often ask? Waldman does one better. He collates press reports and analysis about the different sources of the Afghan Talibans income (none of which mention Pakistan, or the ISI) and then asks the same question that Pakistani hypernationalists ask. How could all this happen without external support? Of course it cant, according to Waldmans Zaid Hamid-esque logic. Waldmans answer to everything is the ISI.
This too, of course, is hardly novel. Until 2007, even President Karzai spared no occasion to depict Afghanistan as a victim of the ISI. Who can forget Karzais dramatic performance from December 2006, when Karzai made a famous tearful appeal for an end to Pakistans murder of Afghan children? Though Karzai seems to have found something agreeable about President Zardari and the post-2008 election Pakistan, other frontline Northern Alliance bosses continue to blame Pakistan for everything. Corruption, the drug-trade, Al Qaeda and the Taliban. All come from Pakistan. And everything from Pakistan, of course, is produced in a laboratory by the ISI.
Essentially, Waldmans report restates old allegations and sexes them up. It is really old wine, in a shiny new bottle. There is however one quite spectacularly novel thing about this report. It is a libelous and malicious attack on Pakistani democracy, beginning right at the top, with the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari.
Waldman doesnt libel President Zardari accidentally. By including his wild allegation of Zardaris meetings with Taliban jailbirds in his abstract, he loudly proclaims that slurring Zardari, and by extension the Pakistani people, is part of the objective of the report. He states that, President Zardari and a senior ISI official visited some 50 high-ranking Talibs who were held in a prison in a secret location in Pakistan. He then describes how Zardari assured the arrested Taliban of his support, and their subsequent release in keeping with those assurances. The reports allegations about President Zardaris meetings with the Taliban leaders are derived from a single, unnamed, low- to mid-level Taliban field commander operating in Afghanistan. Any person with a pulse will be able to discern how ridiculous and malicious this allegation is. Yet by the time folks have a chance to consider its qualifications the damage will have been done.
What makes Waldmans attack on Zardari particularly toxic is that it serves no purpose other than to paint the last decent thing about Pakistan in Westerners eyesPakistani democracywith the same colour as everything else here has been painted. That is immeasurably lethal, and its collateral damage is not just political, but economic too. Denials of the reports claims from Farahnaz Ispahani, Farhatullah Babar and Gen Athar Abbas dont go nearly far enough in countering Waldmans defamatory work.
Pakistans national security paradigm deserves to be discussed, dissected, and deconstructed by Pakistanis and friends of Pakistan that wish this country a more secure future. This country has been an insecure, fidgety, spasmodic, neurotic, and obsessive-compulsive neighbour. Pakistans military needs to be held to account for the money it spends, and the decisions it takes, by Pakistans elected representatives. Pakistans intelligence agencies have spent far too much blood and treasure trying to manipulate the hearts and minds of people, in Pakistan, and abroad into wars that are unwinnable, unloseable, and unendable. They should be reigned in and become more focused on protecting the life and property of Pakistanis.
When informed commentators, whether they are Pakistani, or not, write about Pakistans problems, good sense must prevail. Freedom of speech does not only apply to journalism, but to academic discourse too. Pakistanis should embrace the critical lens that is being placed on their country. Clearly, we have failed ourselves. It cannot hurt to have some help in understanding the mess weve created. Honest critical analysis of Pakistan should be welcomed.
The difference between critical analysis and malicious slander however is quite stark. By deliberately targeting President Asif Ali Zardari, Matt Waldman has not simply bad-mouthed Mr Zardari. (God know, the President knows how to handle being bad-mouthed). This is not a garden variety accusation of corruptionsomething not new for Zardari, and not unique to him.
What Waldman has done is much worse. He has slandered the symbol of the Pakistani federation. One cant be anything but certain that President Zardari has never visited Taliban leaders in jail. If that is a certainty, then so must be a lawsuit. Accusing the Pakistani president of meeting with international outlaws, to offer them his support is outrageous, and is designed to injure Pakistan. It must be resisted with the full power of Pakistans substantial legal human resources in courts of law in the United Kingdom. There is a big difference between accusing clandestine services of behaving badly and accusing the president of a country of aiding and abetting international outlaws. Without legal liability to deter it, this blurring of lines will become epidemic. Matt Waldman needs to be sued for libeling the President of Pakistan.


Staff member


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

The second time this week, the London Times has run articles submitted by Israeli intelligence, irresponsible, inaccurate and intended to bring chaos. The first article claimed that US sources had verified Saudi Arabia’s intention to allow Israeli planes to use their territory for an attack on Iran. The government of Saudi Arabia issued a strong denial in hours. Today’s Israeli press release, carried as a news article by the London Times is far more sinister but also leaves a trail. We are putting the London Times in for the Yellow Journalism Award of the Week, something usually reserved for Fox News.
The article itself is what we call a “plant.” The substance of the times article includes a meeting with an imaginary Taliban commander and a hodge podge of misinformation, outright lies and subterfuge. What is more important is why the article was written and why such a transparent piece of propaganda is a sign of Israel feeling the upheaval or worldwide scorn after the massacre of human rights activists in the Mediterranean. The real pressure to cause a rift between NATO and Pakistan, something India and Israel have worked for, has been exacerbated by President Karzai’s attempts to draw close to Pakistan to support his failing regime. Karzai, educated in India, had, for most of his rule, worked closely with India and, less publicly, Israel, something his people would have hated him even more for, if that were possible.
Continually dogged by accusations of corruption and for surrounding himself with druglords from the minority Northern Alliance, Karzai’s every act has moved Afghanistan into chaos and closer to civil war. Now that the end is on him and on his friends, India and Israel, he has run to Pakistan for help and Israel has run to the Times to stop him.
The timing of the article, immediately after the Times attempted to divide the Islamic world by claiming Saudi Arabia and Israel were planning an attack on Iran, is, in itself an additional sign of how little the London Times is valued by organizations powerful enough to have it print stories that would humiliate any reputable paper. It was important for Israel, the close ally of India, to discredit Pakistan and attempt to tie it to the Taliban, an organization that has killed thousands in Pakistan. No mention is made of these attacks, however. No mention of Israel and India and their role in arming and training the Taliban as part of a program of surrogate warfare against Pakistan, the world’s only Islamic nuclear state.
The gist of the article is simple: Pakistan is running the Taliban because Pakistan ran the Taliban during the 1980s, when, frankly, the Taliban didn’t exist. The article further claims that Pakistan’s ISI, their version of the CIA, is working with President Zardari to organize the Taliban.
A minor problem with this, of course is that the ISI was placed under the General Kiani, Chief of Staff of the Army, over the extremely strong objections of President Zardari. Benazir Bhutto, the slain former president and wife of current President Zardari, had, during the early 1990s, sought ties with the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan. This was, however, before the rumors of Al Qaeda operations in Afghanistan began. The assumptions made by the article exhibit a total lack of historical perspective and the realities of Pakistan’s internal politics.
Today, there is no evidence of a subtantial terrorist presence in Afghanistan prior to the US invasion in 2001. In fact, it looks as though the foreign fighters who came to Afghansitan arrived with the Americans.
The head of the Pakistan’s army at that time was General Aslam Beg and the head of the ISI, Pakistan’s intelligence service was Lt. General Hamid Gul. I know both gentlemen well and have discussed their roles supporting the Mujaheddin, the US backed force that pushed the Soviets out of Afghanistan. Pakistan, as an ally of the United States, actively helped the CIA operate in Afghanistan. To the Times, the Mujaheddin of the 1980s is the same as the Taliban of today. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I know the primary commanders who operated for Pakistan inside Afghanistan and am proud to call them friends. Their homes are filled with momentos of their friendship with the United States. Few American soldiers of distinction have been honored by the United States as these Pakistani officers have. The accusations made against these gentlemen, long since retired is less than rational.
Accusations that Pakistan is running the Taliban through the current ISI is even worse. In fact, Pakistan has captured more Taliban leaders than either Afghanistan or the US. They have also lost more casualties. The ISI is targeted directly by the Taliban and ISI facilities have been attacked inside Pakistan on more than one occasion with significant loss of life.
Thus, in tracing down the origins of the fanciful account, taken from unattributed sources with the strong smell of Tel Aviv about them, it is obvious, particularly because of the amount of total speculation and the enormous leaps from fact to assumption that there was little time to prepare something sound and well thought out.

Behind the story, not so difficult to see, is a British resident with strong Israeli relationships who was operating in Afghanistan as a manager of a very reputable British charity. Any Jew in a country as fundamentalist, frankly any Christian or even westerner is always under suspicion. It is not unusual for a charity to be infiltrated by intelligence agents. That this is so common is why charity workers are continually kidnapped. It is assumed anyone working for a charity is a spy.
This story is the “proof of the pudding” as it were. Any spy forced to reveal him or herself through an act of lunacy is, from that time forward considered “burned.” Intelligence assets in place are a form of currency. Burning one with a poor return is an act of poor judgement, such as we have seen from Israel with some consistency.
It is generally considered a coup to get a totally phony story placed in the London Times. However, when it is the second one of the week with the first story being “outed” by Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister almost immediately, we also seem to have burned another asset, the London Times.

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Siasat.pk - Blogger
commander bhai,
Please provide a source for the article.

Dear hindustani ..........this article is not for you...
here is what relates to you....this video shows efficiency of ISI and face and incompetence of indian army ....lol


Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
The Matt Waldman report is now being questioned by various quarters that have reasonable doubts about the accuracy of the findings. As Pakistan has achieved many key targets in the war against terror, we have arrested and interrogated hundreds of terrorist and our soldiers have died while fighting the Taliban so when some accuses us of cooperating with the Taliban its comes as shock for a state who has suffered a cost of over 35 billion USD and over 25,000 human lives!