Why are so many Indian farmers committing suicide?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Same will be happening in Pak especially since 2010 when
the floods started coming. In winters there is a drought
and in summer we get floods.

Upset Pakistani

Senator (1k+ posts)
so sad...zameendari aik proper job hay ore bohat mushkil kaam hay...cheezain sirf bazaroon main hi bikti achi lagti hain....lekin yeh arhati ore mandiyoon walay zameendar o kuuch nahin detay.....pakistan main agar zameendar suicide nahin kar rahay lekin woh apni zameenain bech rahay hain ya theekay pay day rahay hay...


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I am not criticizing but this is downside of land reforms.......a powerful land owner like in pak with a huge amount of land can bear one or two years of no or bad crop season and can still provide for his workers but when a farmer is on his own with a very limited amount of land then a no crop season means a suicide :(


Councller (250+ posts)
Its becuase of Riba -- farmers are unable to repay debt with interest. Its a dangerous situation to be in.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I have seen Indian get astonished looking at Lavish style of our farmers community................... Pakistanis are "NASHUKARY" nation of the world
