Who profit from profits (its all about profit and power)



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Councller (250+ posts)
I must ask everyone to watch this video, though its long but its worth watching

An eye opener video full of educational contents


I have a suggestion if some one has lots of cash (money) its better to bye gold instead

Never know in futures this paper money will be more devalue, but I thing the value of gold and silver will go even more higher


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have discussed three different kinds of imperialism. Absolute imperialism, political and economic imperialism and islamic imperialism.

Once people understand the quran properly revolution is inevitable that is bound to bring about divine imperialism. This is what america is fighting against but it cannot win this war because that is what the quran states very clearly as I understand it.

The only way out of economic imperialism for all people in the world is that which the quran states. The quran stated it 1400 years ago it is unfortunate that muslims have turned the quran into a fair tale book by mistranslations and misinterpretations.

Perhaps it is better that e wake up to the quran ourselves and spread its message to the world. Once the world unites economic slavery will be thing of the past just like the slavery in days of the absolute imperialism.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I have a suggestion if some one has lots of cash (money) its better to bye gold instead

Never know in futures this paper money will be more devalue, but I thing the value of gold and silver will go even more higher

This is unislamic dear faiza because idea is still profiteering and hoarding etc. The real solution is to change the system to what the quran explains.
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This is unislamic dear faiza because idea is still profiteering and hoarding etc. The real solution is to change the system to what the quran explains.

Sorry, but I didnt understand this

If some one has money or gold, which they save for some reason and giving Zakat accordingly, what is wrong in it

What I meant was instead of keep in the form of paper money its better to keep in gold or silver, and off course give zakat annually


This is unislamic dear faiza because idea is still profiteering and hoarding etc. The real solution is to change the system to what the quran explains.

How could that be if Faiza works hard, pays her taxes satisfies her necessities and pay her zakat, why can't she take her savings and converts them into gold for the rainy day or retirement when she cannot perform labor? How is it hording when she does not know what kind of value gold will have in twenty years she is making the best judgment she can today for her future. Value of gold is still based on the principle of supply and demand.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sorry, but I didn’t understand this

If some one has money or gold, which they save for some reason and giving Zakat accordingly, what is wrong in it

What I meant was instead of keep in the form of paper money its better to keep in gold or silver, and off course give zakat annually

Dear faiza, islam is a nizaam=deen=ruling system. Islam is not mazhab=religion=beliefs system=ritualism. It is a bit difficult to understand what I am saying because we are not used to distinction between deen and mazhab and maslak=opinion=view point.

If we read the quran and think over what it says, it should leave us in no doubt what is a muslim's first and foremost duty.

Let us look at what each of the prophets did first of all. Whichever prophet was born in time of an unislamic rule in a place his first consistent and persistent action was to tell people what was wrong with the system they had. They started the movements against that system before anything else. They put forth their idea of ruling system before people as an alternative to the existing ruling system ie absolute imperialism or personality cult v divine imperialism or moral based rule of law.

This is what Adam did and created divine kingdom, this is what noah did ie he took his followers and settled elsewhere where he established divine kingdom, this is what abraham did, this is what joseph did, this is what moses did, this what david did, this what solomon did, this is what the final messenger did. This is a consistent pattern in the stories told in the quran.

The story of prophet joseph is interesting from the angle that egypt was ruled by kufaar but he took role of adviser to the king on condition that from now on king works according to his advice and he did. So long as there is a system in place that is based upon freedom, justice, fairness, compassion, brotherhood, progress and prosperity muslims can live by it but as soon as there is a ruling system that is based upon idea of some people enslaving others to be their masters then fighting against that system is only requirement of islam.

Today, we do not have islamic systm and we do not have just and fair system either so our first and last duty is to do all in our power to work for change of this system. If we accept this system by doing nothing against it then whatever we do is not going to benefit us.

If the whole thing is wrong or bad, we cannot mend it by patches. Patches only work when actual system is fine and only need plug ins here and there. You cannot repair something that is broken so much that it is better replacing the whole thing otherwise repairing it whole sale will take much more time and resources than replacement.

The video we have seen is very close to islamic system but unfortunately like these people we do not know islam. This is why these people are putting islam on par with other religions. That is so because our imperial mullahs have so translated and interpreted islam to make it look like other religions. Had they not done that muslim imperialists could not justify their unislamic rule as they are even today in shape of ruling elite.

I have explained various points here and there on this forum and one needs time to go through things that I am sharing. It is difficult to explain the whole thing again and again because of lack of time.

People sometimes use analogy of putting a drop of urine in to a glass of clean water and ask if it is haraam. Here the point is that whole glass is full of urine and putting a drop of clean water will not make it clean.

Islam is anti corruption and exploitation. You either accept one kind of rule or the other. We claim to be muslims therefore we cannot accept anti islamic ruling systems.

AAYAH, IMAAN, ISLAM, SALAAH, ZAKAAH, SAWM, HAJJ, QIBLAH, MALAAIKAH, JIN, SAHR, SAMAA, ASAA, FALAK etc etc etc words are used in the quran in different sense than we understand them today because we have been raised on diet of imperialistic islam, which is anti islam. The real islam has been covered up by those mullahs who worked and are still working for the ruling elite.

We today complain about media manipulation and exploitation but never question what mullahs have been shoving in our heads in the name of islam because that is what muslims rulers have been using them for. One has to ask what is difference between priestly class of pharaoh, of jews, of christians, of hindus, of parsees and of muslims?

Likewise what is difference between ruling class from amongst others and muslims?

If muslim rulers rule the same way as kaafirs and muslims priests interpret islam the same way as kafirs then problem is obvious if we are awake and mentally alive.

Islam is not about muslims ruling over kaafirs. This is simply not possible because islam is not a person based ruling system. Muslims and kaafirs are all same when it comes to living by rule of divine law. Freedom, Justice, fairness, compassion, brotherhood, progress and prosperity is for all.

Just like capitalism creates enemies for exploitation so did muslims mullahs for their kings. They did no service to islam but actually inflicted damage on it and thereby on muslims and nonmuslims.

Islam as a system is coming no matter muslims play their appointed role in bringing it about or not. As people fight oppression and suppression, injustice, unfairness and cruelty, corruption and exploitation, they are inadvertently moving in direction of islam. This is a very important point I am making here for all to pay attention to. No ruling system can beat the system of Allah so it is clearly declared in the quran 1400 years ago. Though according to the quran it was declared when Allah first send his message to people for their guidance. In that case so far as time goes on divine truth is being confirmed more and more.

Hope this explains my stand on things for you. Thanks for giving me opportunity for doing so. May Allah bless us all, for he is full of mercy and compassion.

regards and all the best.



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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How could that be if Faiza works hard, pays her taxes satisfies her necessities and pay her zakat, why can't she take her savings and converts them into gold for the rainy day or retirement when she cannot perform labor? How is it hording when she does not know what kind of value gold will have in twenty years she is making the best judgment she can today for her future. Value of gold is still based on the principle of supply and demand.

Dear Unicorn, islam is a divine system of rule of law. It is against all sorts of negative discrimination because that is basis for justification of exploitation and abuse of those discriminated against.

Islam is coming and it is being brought about by nonmuslims without their knowing. It shows how Allah is preserving islam ie through its enemies. People keep plotting and scheming against it but each time they do that it only furthers cause of islaam.

Muslim preachers are only dishing out imperialist agenda in the name of islam from all corners of the earth yet it is real islam that is gradually taking over the world and I am very much surprised when I look at what is going on in the world.

Looks like Allah has mysterious ways of working through his creatures. KHUD AAP APNE DAAM MAIN SEYYAAD AA GIYAA.

I wonder what will be the reaction of humanity when they find out one day that they were always working for islam all along despite thinking that tyhey are working against it?

It is unfortunate that people do not try to see the real message of islam for themselves. They are trying to learn islam from corrupt muslims who corrupted and distorted the real message of islam.

You don't think that corrupt and exploitative personality cult can deliver the goods, do you?

I am of the view that it is wrong to accept negative discrimination and we accept it if we participate in it ie we endorse it by our actions. Accepting something under protest is different because as human beings we cannot live in isolation.

It will be in our own best interest not to discriminate against each other and work together on common goals. No goal can be better than working for human brotherhood and its prosperity. That is islam=way to peace between human beings.

regards and all the best.


Originally Posted by faiza
Sorry, but I didn’t understand this

If some one has money or gold, which they save for some reason and giving Zakat accordingly, what is wrong in it

What I meant was instead of keep in the form of paper money its better to keep in gold or silver, and off course give zakat annually

This is unislamic dear faiza because idea is still profiteering and hoarding etc. The real solution is to change the
system to what the quran explains.

You still have not answered the specific question, why legitimately earned saving is not allowed? weather its saved as paper money or metal.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Originally Posted by faiza
Sorry, but I didn’t understand this

If some one has money or gold, which they save for some reason and giving Zakat accordingly, what is wrong in it

What I meant was instead of keep in the form of paper money its better to keep in gold or silver, and off course give zakat annually

You still have not answered the specific question, why legitimately earned saving is not allowed? weather its saved as paper money or metal.


Dear Unicorn, please try and put two and two together, I said it is unislamic and I explained it in my post to faiza why it is the case in light of the video we are discussing. What you are calling legal is not legal in light of islam because it is unfair exploitation where rich and powerful dictates the terms and weak only signs at the dotted line.

You are trying to discuss things as the law stands regardless what islam says about it. That is a different issue. In that case my question to you is, do you support discrimination, abuse and exploitation? Secular democratic laws are dictated by the rich and powerful. If you are not one of those then you are of the ones exploited. Are you happy with it? May be you are because you are for the moment doing ok. What if you were at the bottom of the pile?

If laws are discriminatory ie unjust and unfair their legitimacy only matters for those who want to justify themselves and their exploitation by those laws, the others just suffer the consequences unless they stand up against them to turn the table.

Values of human decency are vital regardless you are atheist or theist. Human interaction does not stop the while we discuss existence or nonexistence of God. This is why Islam is more system based actions than faith based beliefs. Human can only think about God once they are in peace and have time on their hands. If you have to run after food from morning till night like a mad you have no time for god and religion. Once again islam accepts this and this is why it first wants to give people what they need and then requires them to praise God.

People have wrong ideas about islam as a religion because that is what muslim imperialists spread in the name of islam but real islam is in the quran and people are acting according to it be it unknowingly.

It is not for me to answer your question that is for you, all I can do is try and help by sharing information. If it works fine if it does not we can try again and again till we have had enough.

regards and all the best.