iss ka kasoor nahi. yeh tou jahil hai. laanat on those who elected him
My Dear Brother Knowledge Seeker,
One of the wrong believe many Muslim have is that you can make even those who are dead as Waseela so that your Duas can be accepted by Allah. This believe is totally against Quraan and Hadith. The supporter of this believe can not find any authentic hadith from Sahih Satta to support this wrong believe.
what pakistans jahail awam voters think with their vote they theycan elect abehlol-e-dana.? their fates are sealed,they can change their countrys fate if they unite beihid agood person and stop and refuse to follow people who they have tried again and again and failed stand up against all militery and civilan dictators chose ur l eadersamoung ur self, jo nuksh-e-khnn tum ko nuzer aai mata do. waassalam. and ihave only one quistion for jumiate- jhulay islam- fuzlu fuzla groupe and mulla diezal f.fuzla what action he and his group of halwa khooran-e-pakistan going to take? iknow he can not read or write. but he can aske some postman to write the reply like in old times he used to do in his village.l probbably he would not do any thing. it would snach halwa from his mouth .lanat-alliah-alal-kazbeen.iss ka kasoor nahi. yeh tou jahil hai. laanat on those who elected him
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