What is the single most cause of where the PAkistan is today


we are facing darkness, lawlessness, jobless in short going downstream over the last 60 yrs, what is the single most cause for all of it


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
For Sure Corruption and all and everyone is involved in corruption ............ whether it is Bureaucracy, Establishment, Politicians, Armed Forces, all Government Institutions, in every single office from the very bottom to the very top .............. even a peon in government office take bribes and even the director there take it and corruption always travel from top to the bottom like it is the ice melting from the peak of mountain to the lower area .... if we will not finish corruption from top it will never end from bottom .......... The first person who ever speaks about corruption as no one speaks about it as all were involved in it and doing it so everyone's hands were dirty who will speak ....... the people who live in the house of glass does not throw stones to the other person house also living in a house of glass ...... so no one never speaks ...... The first person ever raised the issue was the real Patriot and true person and sincere Pakistani and the credit goes to IMRAN KHAN ........... he ever speaks about corruption that it is corruption which is slowly eating our country ............ so after than media and other people slowly started to talk about corruption .... and now it has become a National Issue ..... Root Cause of the Problem ........... One more is Injustice in our society .......... as one of the saying of Hazrat Ali RA is the society that can exist which have KUFR in it though that society will be vanished in which there will be injustice ...... and did we for get that incident in which a woman from a rich tribe was caught when she was stealing and Hazrat Muhammed pbuh ordered to cut her hands and than some of the people requested HIM to forgive her and the HE said that the nations before you were vanish because if someone from the lower tribe make a sin they punish him/her while they forgive someone if he/she belongs to a higher tribe ............ So Injustice ..... another major reason ...


Minister (2k+ posts)
Insincerity in all fields, intolerance in all and all level, rampant illiteracy,
and religious hypocrisy.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Injustice and only injustice. if you dig down and think a little bit you will find that injustice is the only cause. i can go on and on but just leave it here.