Two U.S. hikers detained in Iran on espionage charges have been sentenced to eight years in prison


Senator (1k+ posts)
Two U.S. hikers detained in Iran on espionage charges have been sentenced to eight years in prison, state-run TV reported Saturday. Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer were charged with illegal entry and spying.
They and another person, Sarah Shourd, were seized two years ago when they were hiking in the Iraqi Kurdish region near Iran. Shourd was released last year because of medical reasons, but Fattal and Bauer have remained imprisoned in Iran.
Iranian police said the Americans illegally entered Iran. The Tehran Prosecutor's office has "compelling evidence" that the three were cooperating with U.S. intelligence agencies, Press TV has reported.
Shourd has said the hikers did not know they had crossed the border while hiking. Fattal and Bauer pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The United States has repeatedly called for their release.