many years I have been thinking why a person wants to be suicide bomber/TTP, here are some points and maybe eliminate this unfortunate phenomenon but still not justifiable by a musalman:
1) Poverty: all of us should start paying zakaat, open soup/lunch/dinner kitchens, do stuff like EDHI saheb.
2) establishing an institution for allims that get admission after high school, trained them with real quran and hadees: then in 2 years when they are ready they should preach the correct message, correct concepts to all these deehaats.They should severly emphasize numaaz 5 times a day to be away from shaitaan and other brain washing foreign elements etc.
3) Pakistani Police and army should arrest, identify all men who have nothing to do, offer them army job, if they cant find the job, best place to nurture a jaahil mind is get them busy.
4) Identify severe depression in our dehaats, by sending Psychologist and Psychiatrist teams and treat them with counselling and antidepressant medication, this could cost zero money if make all medical graduates to compulsary serve rural areas atleast 1 year for service to their country as they get subsidized medical training so in return 1 year svc to their muslamaan brothers allahtallh will give sawaab inshallah.
These are the 4 points can prevent these suicide members to become one, by eliminating poverty, hunger, getting them army jobs the least, taking care of their mental health and VERY impostant sending the right highly trained aalim instead of a confused everey day mullah to deliver them the right message of islam. Thanks for your time, Jazakallh.