True Story about Hitler Must Watch !!!


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

We should be fair in analysis . Hitler is termed as EVIL by victorious ALLIES because whoever wins they controll media and press and create propoganda about other party. We know that Media and Press are controlled by JEWS all over world they also say ISLAM is terrorist religion as a MUSLIM we all condemned it so why dont we look and research about HITLER . We should not follow yahoodi version propaganda .
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
bhai g if you are [MENTION=25774]ISI AGENT[/MENTION] please do us a favour. Please disclose asghar khan case evidence. This will be the best ever thing you can do for pakistan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
the wrong thing about history is its mostly writtent by agressors..................we dont have real pic of hitler

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
ADOLF ka naam suntay hi aik pakistani so called political taanga party ka chairman yaad aajata hai...lollll


Among eastern religions, Hitler described religious leaders such as "Confucius, Buddha, and Mohammed" as providers of "spiritual sustenance".[SUP][68][/SUP] In this context, Hitler's connection to Mohammad Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem — which included asylum in 1941, the honorary rank of an SS Major-General, and a "respected racial genealogy" — has been interpreted more as a sign of respect than political expedience.[SUP][69][/SUP] Hitler expressed admiration for the Muslim military tradition and directed Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy



ADOLF ka naam suntay hi aik pakistani so called political taanga party ka chairman yaad aajata hai...lollll

Agar aap ye video dekhl lete to aap smjh paate ke HITLER 1 national charismatic leader tha jisne apni nation ko 1 super power bana dia sirf 4-5 year mei and almost conquered whole world. So if sum1 compare IMO to HITLER i wont mind it . Hitler asli sher tha na ke Noora kushti wala jaali sher . get it
