To all u religious freaks


Senator (1k+ posts)
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In a country where thinkers are assassinated, and writers are considered infidels and books are burnt, in societies that refuse the other, and force silence on mouths and thoughts forbidden, and to question is a sin, I must beg your pardon, would you permit me?

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Would you permit me to bring up my children as I want, and not to dictate on me your whims and orders?

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Would you permit me to teach my children that the religion is first to God, and not for religious leaders or scholars or people?

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Would you permit me to teach my little one that religion is about good manners, good behaviour, good conduct, honesty and truthfulness, before I teach her with which foot to enter the bathroom or with which hand she should eat?

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Would you permit me to teach my daughter that God is about love, and she can dialogue with Him and ask Him anything she wants, far away from the teachings of anyone?

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Would you permit me not to mention the torture of the
grave to my children, who do not know about death yet?

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Would you permit me to teach my daughter the tenets of the religion and its culture and manners, before I force on her the 'Hijab' (the veil)?

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Would you permit me to tell my young son that hurting people and degrading them because of their nationality, colour or religion, is considered a big sin by God?

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Would you permit me to tell my daughter to revising her homework and paying attention to her learning is considered by God as more useful and important than learning by heart Ayahs from the Quran without knowing their meaning?

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Would you permit me to teach my son that following the footsteps of the Honourable Prophet begins with his honesty, loyalty and truthfulness, before his beard or how short his thobe (long shirt/dress) is?

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Would you permit me to tell my daughter that her Christian friend is not an infidel, and ask her not to cry fearing her friend will go to Hell?

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Would you permit me to argue, that God did not authorize anyone on earth after the Prophet to speak in his name nor did he vest any powers in anyone to issue 'deeds of forgiveness' to people?

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Would you permit me to say, that God has forbidden killing the human spirit, and who kills wrongly a human being is as if he killed all human kind, and no Moslem has the right to frighten another Moslem?

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Would you permit me to teach my children that God is greater, more just, and more merciful than all the (religious) scholars on earth combined? And that his standards are different from the standards of those trading
the religion, and that his accountability is kinder and more merciful?

?? ?????? ??
Would you permit me?

???? ?????
Nizar Kabbani


Voter (50+ posts)
Asking this from Religious people????.... nice!, since when Religious people control the decisions of Pakistan? and since when you have to care about them anyways? Why do you worry if any religion permits you to do or not do anything? Why dont you try and talk to your lord usa and other countries to allow you practice what you like to practice? I mean, does it not bother you at all that you fight with logic, and reason for all your life and still you stay normal? surely I commend your ignorance, it keeps you happy atleast. Cursing Islam in the name of Cursing Mullahs is a fashion, and you , and people like you are the ones who always are with those who have might. Why would you care about anything what Allah has said.


MPA (400+ posts)
ain kamm akloon sai yahi tawaqaa thii

aik sath hitler ki tarah line mein khara ker ke mar dou tum saree islamic scholars aur saree jahan ke mulla ko aur Quaran ke badle Al-Furqan parhoo,,,, tum log jo yeh likh rahe hoo kia lagta hai tumhari ais soch sai duniya mein aman ajae gaa,,

aur haan aesa hoga zaroor hoga lekin woh log badnaseeb honge jo ais waqt mein zinda honge q ke aese waqt ke baad hi qayamat aii giii,,,,,, aur woh sare jahanumi hongee q k ain mein sai koi bhi Allah ka naam lene wala nahi hoga

shame on you


As as atheist, it has occurred to me that certain so called Christian elements within my society, Australia, and others similar in USA and UK who have supported the 'Oil Wars' (by any other name) have failed to show adherence to what are apparently the central doctrines of the Christian faith.

I (personally) see little concern for the first 4 in order of the following 10 commandment.
I see them as between you and your God.
But breach of the other commandments harms others, and hence intervention by others to address the infringement may be validated.

1. I am the Lord your God
2. You shall have no other gods before me
3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

5. Honor your father and mother
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
10. You shall not covet your neighbour's wife or belongings

It's a great shame that Western 'Christian ' leaders don't concentrate their efforts to ensure adherence to the commandments.

Apparently Jesus said
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

So as I understand it, Jesus believed that those two teachings were central to a righteous life.

Are there current Muslim leaders that seek adherence to certain teaching while overlooking the most important teachings????

To me, that is the concern which was expressed by mcuk2001.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Just a short answer:
1. Don't judge Islam by muslims (specially the rulers)
2. Try to study Islam and specially Quran with a good English translation.
One should not jump on conclusions by just reading out of context verses from Quran.
A good start for non-muslims is the following fellas speaches. His name is Yusuf Estes and is a muslim convert. He explains various things about Islam in your on lingo.
Also search for Yusuf Estes on youtube and you'll find loads of interesting material about him and Islam.