Thora sa begarat ho,Bas phir sab theek hai - Javed CH


MPA (400+ posts)


Councller (250+ posts)
Well done! But how our stupid people will know this? Majority of our people are ignorant and uneducated, who will tell them. Those who are educated ( so called) are blind and deaf, otherwise how they will vote for these corrupt people. Being Pakistani, at least I am passing daily through immense tension by seeing my beloved country condition and what our politicians are doing with it?


Voter (50+ posts)
This article looks good but actually lacks startling fact that writer himself is a columist, an anchor and to get to the highest level (in the media field) he has joined the ranks of PML(N). My point is in our country you have to side somebody to stay afloat. He knows it & doing it. Its useless to be impressed with his or anybody's "Undaaz-e-bayaan", these articles are not meant to heal poor people's wounds but to earn a paycheque.


MPA (400+ posts)
I am not going to comment on the article nor I am going to argue if this article is for a paycheque and when he joinded PML N, Whatever he wrote .. i know all that and more .. i dont know him personally neither do i know his intensions , but i know one things he is hurt and he said all truth,, but u need to have a vision and heart to appreciate .. u need to raise above the personal affiliations .. if he is bad , kashiffr .. u even worst ,, froget talking about personalities atleast for once ..

we the pakistani nation as a whole have done enough wrong and may God forgive us and dont send his azaab ( if im not too late already )

Allah Hafiz and Good Luck


Councller (250+ posts)
kashifr said:
This article looks good but actually lacks startling fact that writer himself is a columist, an anchor and to get to the highest level (in the media field) he has joined the ranks of PML(N). My point is in our country you have to side somebody to stay afloat. He knows it & doing it. Its useless to be impressed with his or anybody's "Undaaz-e-bayaan", these articles are not meant to heal poor people's wounds but to earn a paycheque.

Very sorry for you by writing this. First of all, I don't think that Javed Ch. has joined Muslim League but irrespective of his affiliation, can you deny what he has written? Never. Our politicians think that they are above every law. If they are checked by police then they take this to assembly and move a privilege motion.'' UNKA ESTEHQAQ MAJRUH HUWA HAI''. Majority are corrupt, bandits,smugglers and killing for ransom people.

That's why I say that majority of even educated people are SUMMUN, BUKMUN and UMYUN.