This 'Nikkah' Won't last Long - Startling Revelations By Hafiz Hamd Ullah


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It is not a Nikkah.It is muta’h.In Twelver Shiism muta’h is a temporary marriage which can be ended by either party at any time.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
زنا بالجبر کالے حافظ نے پڑھایا
ہن تیرا کی بنے گا کالیا


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
zalimm kuttae, imran riaz aik naek hubulwatan sahafee koe phirr torture kurnae lae gaae,

kiss nahe inkoe yae authority dee hae

inn commandoes koe instead being on border

torturing apnae Pakistan musalman bhai for just speaking haq baat as per islam sad,

allahtallah inkoe gharutt kurrae, ameen 1 million times,

where is the LAW of the land duneeya walaa yaa shureeyat.inn huramioun kaa bilkul imaan orr ghaerutt nahee