The myth of Indian Superpower


India will never be a superpower, India economy will stop to grow in the future, Indian society is not united, in fact there are many "Indians" who doesnt consider themselves Indians, Christians of Goa consider themselves closer to Europeans and Portugal than to Indians and in fact they consider India as occupation Government, norhern Indians hate and look down on southern "Indians" and want to force Hindi language on them, tamil speakers, telugu speakers and malayalam speakers resent Hindi language and angry at "Aryan" Indians and their racism, in fact their is in a growing Dravidian liberation movement in south India.

And lets not forget low caste Hindus who convert to Islam and Christianity to piss off "high caste Hindus"

And lets not forget that Muslims cant find work in "largest Democracy in The world"

And lets not forget Sikhs and their Khalistan
and Kashmiris dont consider themselves "Indians" but they say they have ethnic ties with Central Asia.

Northeast "India" is not "Indian" not in culture or religion, they are in fact have ties with China and East Asians and "Aryan Indians"'very racist toward them calling them monkeys and chinkos and abuse their women and consider them loose women.

What about Naxalite–Maoist insurgency?
Insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir is growing.

Dalits are treated like animals.

In fact Hinduism is many religions and different traditions
the name "India" is persian.
Even Hindutva based on european fascism

India is largest exporter of maids and cheap workers to the GCC and Malaysia and Singapore.

And China and her repeated incursions into "India" are here to stay, even Rambo/Superman Modi **** his pants with the latest chinese incursion
and BJP GOV sided with Gaza against Israel bcz Spiderman Modi fears GCC Arabs will deport the seven million Indians in GCC and cut the oil hahahaha so much for Superpower.

Indians i dont hate you but wake up from your fantasy, India will never be a super power maybe only in Bollywood, instead provide your people with more toilets.

Personally i consider you more closer to us than Arabs, Iranians, Turks and Chinese, but by telling you the truth doesnt mean i hate you
And yes Pakistan is a sorry country but I dont see Pkistanis shouting Pakistan will be a superpower.
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staray khaatir

Minister (2k+ posts)
Aap nay tou Zahid Hamid ko Bhi pechay chor dia.
laikin aap ke baat sochnay wali hai keh in saari cheezoun k sath India kaisay super power banay ga?

Farah Qureshi

Councller (250+ posts)
kaal kisney dekha hai...hoh sakta hai Pakistan mein ek revolution aayee aur woh superpower bann a neighbour we will be the happiest to see u reach the zenith...for we once lived together for centuries.i don't agree muslims don't find work in india...i come from a very poor family father was a cycle mechanic....after 12th my continuing studies was a question mark..and then Modi made education free for by allahs grace I am a heart specialist and we are giving the nation back millions of dollars in medical tourism...u can see how small policies of govt .brings tremendous benefits in long run...In IT ,medical,business sectors ..its ur skill matters ...don't think anyone is bothered..ur a hindu or a finally what counts is profit...The high cast hindus what u are talkin of...suffer the max atleast in jobs and entrance exam as they donot have any reservation..I have travelled many countries and trust me I feel suffocated at times in many of them ...India is very rich,vibrant ,cultural society..feel like a free bird here...and yeah very safe...Every country has flaws and the negative sides usually get highlighted more...Its just my personal opinion with no interest to defend any country...this is what I feel livin in this country...Ek sukoon ki zindagi miley aur kisi ko kya chahiye...after all who defines what a super power is...Where its written that citizens of a superpower country are the happiest and most peaceful...Nepal can boast to have one of the happiest citizens in the world..


Minister (2k+ posts)
Yes. Everything went off smoothly. Rain was intermittent. It's normal during ganeshotsav as ashadh month starts usually.


Dear, Farah, this is not directed at you and Indians like you.

Ohh Forgot to add, the Chinese already speaking about breaking up the "Indian Union" they already treat "Indian territorial integrity" with contempt lol, they doesn't seem to fear "fourth powerful army in the world" and the mighty "Aryan Indians"

The bloody ruthless heartless ISIS maniacs Killed Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Americans, Kurds, Turkmen and even children and women but they hesitate and spared Indian nurses and sent them home( they even said to Indian nurses that they will be treated like sisters lol), bcz Indians are so pathetic and sorry to be killed, they feared by killing Indians it will give them bad publicity in the Middle East and the world.

Superpower eh?
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India would never be a superpower but it is a vibrant Asian power along sides China, Japan, Israel.

Pakistan is a pathetic loose undemocratic country who would lose its nukes before 2020. As per our plans, We have enough funds & puppets in to carry out yearly regime change n Pakkistan that could keep Pakistan as feeble, fragile country who would never be able to advance in any of the field.

To be precise=> Pakistan is an abuse in western country.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Yes. I saw the visuals. It looks bad in vadodara. For mumbai residents floods are a routine affair. lol. Only saving grace is that the affinity to the sea drives the water out with the tide.
ok good........megh taandav in the neighboring state though.......


Minister (2k+ posts)
You worry about Kuwaitis issuing visas to pakistanis.(bigsmile) Leave this super power business to us "Aryans".
Dear, Farah, this is not directed at you and Indians like you.

Ohh Forgot to add, the Chinese already speaking about breaking up the "Indian Union" they already treat "Indian territorial integrity" with contempt lol, they doesn't seem to fear "fourth powerful army in the world" and the mighty "Aryan Indians"

The bloody ruthless heartless ISIS maniacs Killed Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Americans, Kurds, Turkmen and even children and women but they hesitate and spared Indian nurses and sent them home( they even said to Indian nurses that they will be treated like sisters lol), bcz Indians are so pathetic and sorry to be killed, they feared by killing Indians it will give them bad publicity in the Middle East and the world.

Superpower eh?
Dear, Farah, this is not directed at you and Indians like you.

Ohh Forgot to add, the Chinese already speaking about breaking up the "Indian Union" they already treat "Indian territorial integrity" with contempt lol, they doesn't seem to fear "fourth powerful army in the world" and the mighty "Aryan Indians"

The bloody ruthless heartless ISIS maniacs Killed Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, Americans, Kurds, Turkmen and even children and women but they hesitate and spared Indian nurses and sent them home( they even said to Indian nurses that they will be treated like sisters lol), bcz Indians are so pathetic and sorry to be killed, they feared by killing Indians it will give them bad publicity in the Middle East and the world.

Superpower eh?

yes are superpower (bigsmile)

kuwait wale pakistanio ko visa nahi dete , tum illegally ghuse pakistani lagte ho jail me ho kya ? :lol::lol:
