The country ruled by Jackals and General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani (Part 1)


New Member
Are we living under a system that has taken courage away? Why do we cheat why do we produce medical drugs that are "poison"? Why do we "fix" our meters? We want to have relations with only those who serve our interest and hence satisfied with the system that "benefits all".

The country ruled by Jackals and General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani by Umar Akram


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Are we living under a system that has taken courage away? Why do we cheat why do we produce medical drugs that are "poison"? Why do we "fix" our meters? We want to have relations with only those who serve our interest and hence satisfied with the system that "benefits all".

The country ruled by Jackals and General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani by Umar Akram

I went on posterous site and couldnt find where they are based out of. He is just another ahmaq trying to disgrace our heroes. Zardari may be jackals, but not Kyani. The General just takes orders from the civ govt.

Umar must be based in India or Indian living elsewhere

Pak Army Zindabad, our heroes, our protectors


MPA (400+ posts)
no doubt that kayni is also biggest puppet of USA and westerns along side with this Gov. pple should realise this. This Army Gernal are only able to kill pakistanis no one else thy can captured or killed nor they can speak out like indian abt RAW, CIA,Blackwater, Mosad. their legs even start shaking when they speak anyting abt these bez they are all money makers. begarats besharam of our era.

it is surpse me tht some pple still dont understnad anything.


New Member
I have not stated that General Kayani is a jackal neither disgraced him. Though look clearly the person next to Mr. Kayani in the picture, indeed is a jackal!

I quote from the article, start - - "General Kayani earned his extension, if he has we will know in the coming years which will reflect the military policy of "no involvement in politics" --end quote

it does not surprise me people without reading start labeling based on instant perception though I find it hilarious!

Umar Akram
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Senator (1k+ posts)
On one side people talk about strengthing organization . On other hand strengthing people. Even during world war uk had e,ections. Further i totally agree pakistan armed forces are the only forces in the world who had captured its own citizen in biggest number. They cant dare to say anything about drone etc not even against indian raw.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Are we living under a system that has taken courage away? Why do we cheat why do we produce medical drugs that are "poison"? Why do we "fix" our meters? We want to have relations with only those who serve our interest and hence satisfied with the system that "benefits all".

The country ruled by Jackals and General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani by Umar Akram

The writer has certainly proved one thing that we have people in this nation who do not know the meaning of writing with decency and upholding the mantle of being fair, he also does not understand what he wants and what is democracy. It seems he will be happy only if things are done according to his wishes. My question for the young gun is"Is he also a jackal and does he also not cast his vote? Is this his way of getting some attention?"
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New Member
The writer has certainly proved one thing that we have people in this nation who do not know the meaning of writing with decency and upholding the mantle of being fair, he also does not understand what he wants and what is democracy. It seems he will be happy only if things are done according to his wishes. My question for the young gun is"Is he also a jackal and does he also not cast his vote? Is this his way of getting some attention?"

How have I not been fair? is debatable but please comment on the content.

Are we living under a system that has taken courage away?

Why do we cheat?

Why do we produce medical drugs that are "poison"?

Why do we "fix" our meters?

I have seen the "golden era" of General Zia ul Haq and most recently General Musharraf. Military shall not be allowed to take over the country, never! ruled out! Army as a institute is healthy for a nation but the system needs an over haul, sooner is better! I am not happy and millions of people are not happy to see this sort of democracy we witness every day. Fake degree's, corruption, silence on drone attacks and the list goes on. In Part 2, Ill reflect the remaining bits.
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Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How have I not been fair? is debatable but please comment on the content.

Are we living under a system that has taken courage away?

Why do we cheat?

Why do we produce medical drugs that are "poison"?

Why do we "fix" our meters?

I have seen the "golden era" of General Zia ul Haq and most recently General Musharraf. Military shall not be allowed to take over the country, never! ruled out! Army as a institute is healthy for a nation but the system needs an over haul, sooner is better! I am not happy and millions of people are not happy to see this sort of democracy we witness every day. Fake degree's, corruption, silence on drone attacks and the list goes on. In Part 2, Ill reflect the remaining bits.

I don't think it is hard to analyze why do we cheat,or fix our meters,or make drugs which are poisonous. After the creation of Pakistan and after Quaid-e-Azam passed away for first ten years, the time which is so crucial for the development on sound footings for any new nation just tell me who ruled the country? democratic governments or the Army? what did these governments do for us? did they succeed in giving us a constitution? were they able to reform the land holdings? were they able to develop a system of fair selection for the government and other civilian positions? were they even able to plan the sysytem for industries and trade? were they able to develop even on paper a system of education and the targets to be achieved through this? The answer is an unequivocal resounding NO! and why is that? because they were more concerned with their politicking and how best they could accomodate their own near and dear. This unfortunately remains the dilema of the so called democratic governments of Pakistan. As to the matter relating to courage, well each one of us can decide for ourselves and no one needs to follow a coward or a cheat or corrupt.
Now the question of the Army. First it is ridiculous to compare how the Army chief rules vs the elected executive.
No doubt it would have been best if that had not happened but please also consider, has the Army ever taken over in times of good? This situation always arises when their is complete chaos in the country and the politicians have proved to be failures, now this can be debated but hind sight is always 20/20. Personally I think the Army took over to save us from bigger problems and to my mind they showed courage and decision making even at the cost of the ire of the politicians, who are dime a dozen any way.


New Member
I don't think it is hard to analyze why do we cheat,or fix our meters,or make drugs which are poisonous. After the creation of Pakistan and after Quaid-e-Azam passed away for first ten years, the time which is so crucial for the development on sound footings for any new nation just tell me who ruled the country? democratic governments or the Army? what did these governments do for us? did they succeed in giving us a constitution? were they able to reform the land holdings? were they able to develop a system of fair selection for the government and other civilian positions? were they even able to plan the sysytem for industries and trade? were they able to develop even on paper a system of education and the targets to be achieved through this? The answer is an unequivocal resounding NO! and why is that? because they were more concerned with their politicking and how best they could accomodate their own near and dear. This unfortunately remains the dilema of the so called democratic governments of Pakistan. As to the matter relating to courage, well each one of us can decide for ourselves and no one needs to follow a coward or a cheat or corrupt.
Now the question of the Army. First it is ridiculous to compare how the Army chief rules vs the elected executive.
No doubt it would have been best if that had not happened but please also consider, has the Army ever taken over in times of good? This situation always arises when their is complete chaos in the country and the politicians have proved to be failures, now this can be debated but hind sight is always 20/20. Personally I think the Army took over to save us from bigger problems and to my mind they showed courage and decision making even at the cost of the ire of the politicians, who are dime a dozen any way.

I strongly disagree with military taking over and ruling the country. It has always bought more chaos, I'll cover the list of facts and why more chaos? at some other time. Chief of Army Staff's job is to run the military organization for defending the people of Pakistan. A general can never run a country they are not programmed to do so either. A statesman shall! Neither it is the job of a general to run the country! wrong job wrong table. It is important to understand that Army as one institute is part of the system that includes government and civil servants, politicians, judiciary and corporates.

The system has failed, the constitution is amended when required by the system and most importantly critically analyze "we the people" who are part of the system. We are fools, looking for leadership, look for the leadership inside each one of you! and speak truth no matter how bitter it sounds.

Why do we cheat?

Why do we produce medical drugs that are "poison"?

Why do we "fix" our meters?

Why mothers are selling there own children?

Why the education system is contributing to more class differences?

Why the majority of people are not part of this electoral system?

and it goes on.
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