I don't think it is hard to analyze why do we cheat,or fix our meters,or make drugs which are poisonous. After the creation of Pakistan and after Quaid-e-Azam passed away for first ten years, the time which is so crucial for the development on sound footings for any new nation just tell me who ruled the country? democratic governments or the Army? what did these governments do for us? did they succeed in giving us a constitution? were they able to reform the land holdings? were they able to develop a system of fair selection for the government and other civilian positions? were they even able to plan the sysytem for industries and trade? were they able to develop even on paper a system of education and the targets to be achieved through this? The answer is an unequivocal resounding NO! and why is that? because they were more concerned with their politicking and how best they could accomodate their own near and dear. This unfortunately remains the dilema of the so called democratic governments of Pakistan. As to the matter relating to courage, well each one of us can decide for ourselves and no one needs to follow a coward or a cheat or corrupt.
Now the question of the Army. First it is ridiculous to compare how the Army chief rules vs the elected executive.
No doubt it would have been best if that had not happened but please also consider, has the Army ever taken over in times of good? This situation always arises when their is complete chaos in the country and the politicians have proved to be failures, now this can be debated but hind sight is always 20/20. Personally I think the Army took over to save us from bigger problems and to my mind they showed courage and decision making even at the cost of the ire of the politicians, who are dime a dozen any way.