The biggest problem for Pakistan is it's highly corrupt rulers, they keep the institutions weak

Imran the legend

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The biggest problem for Pakistan is it's highly corrupt rulers, they keep the instatutions weak so they can't investigate & prosecute the powerfull politicians. There bank accounts, education & hospitals are abroad. Poor nation is suffering.


One of the biggest problems for Pakistan is it's highly corrupt leaders they know all the loop holes how to by pass the system the departments are under them and they keep them weak and not strong enough to prosecute them. Even there personal bank accounts are abroad there hospitals and schools are abroad and sad thing is biggest suffers is the poor person of Pakistan who don't get good schools jobs hospitals justice or human development.

Like Nawaz sharif all the family his London for hospitals they don't trust Pakistan hospitals. There send there children London because they don't trust Pakistan education system and don't want to fix it. Even there bank accounts are abroad the money they rob from Pakistan. They keep it safe in foreign accounts sharif family corrupt, zardari family corrupt altaf family corrupt molana fazal corrupt.

The sad thing is the supporters for these parties are highly uneducated salve minds and protect them and are biggest suffering humans and the. The idiots blame it on Imran Khan which has never been in power he only have Pakistan cancer hospital collage World Cup and now trying to fix politicians.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: The biggest problem for Pakistan is it's highly corrupt rulers, they keep the instatutions weak so they can't investigate & prosecute the powerfull politicians.

then why you elect such corrupt people. your electoral system is fraud and therefore you get the corrupt people in power.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: The biggest problem for Pakistan is it's highly corrupt rulers, they keep the instatutions weak so they can't investigate & prosecute the powerfull politicians.

Bigger, than even BIGGEST, problem is that where judiciary and army is also corrupt no system can apprehend corrupt rulers. corrupt rulers corrupt judiciary corrupt army is a TROIKA.
