Terrorism is a boomerang, it will go back to India

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
At first I was humored which followed by shock and now I am bewildered! Pakistan faces a home-grown extremist dilemma which is sponsored from foreign elements and that could affluent deobandis, Al-Qaeda and Pan-Islamist groups, raw, mossad, CIA or any other agency that you think of! That could be the case
But there are elements conducive for such funding! Eradicate those elements and I assure you trillions of dollars worth espionage will be futile!

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Ammar isb said:
At first I was humored which followed by shock and now I am bewildered! Pakistan faces a home-grown extremist dilemma which is sponsored from foreign elements and that could affluent deobandis, Al-Qaeda and Pan-Islamist groups, raw, mossad, CIA or any other agency that you think of! That could be the case
But there are elements conducive for such funding! Eradicate those elements and I assure you trillions of dollars worth espionage will be futile!

Apply your simply woderful logic to your problems and then let us know how it works.