Sohail Warraich Response On Govt Statement Over Judges Remarks


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
This stooge of Nawaz has no shame as Judges pass such observations and it is quite normal. Did he forgot the observations of Iftikhar Chaudhry against PPP. Mian Aamir's dunya news is another JEW group :angry_smile:


Senator (1k+ posts)
Suhail W is non-sense man. Nihal Hashmi's words are inexcusable. Why these people are promoting PM's son who has average capacity with billions of looted dollars. PM has looted the country and Judges are just doing their job. There are millions who can not pay off homes or have homes even after 30+ years' of service. How come these children bought paid off properties worldwide including Jati Umra???

These politicians could not give people clean water and basic necessities, as right of the people. Kick them out in next elections and go for decentralized Presidential system with City Governments. That's the ONLY way to solve grass root level problems.