Signs of Doomsday: Taiwan has become the first Asian Country to legalize Same-Sex Marriage

shahid rasul

MPA (400+ posts)
Take any sphere of life, Whenever humans go against the laws of nature, there is only one result....... DESTRUCTION.

I have also read somewhere that they are testing on frogs and will soon find some way to inject hormones that stimulate same-sex lust in these animals and then we'll soon see documentaries on main stream media propagating that such things do exist in the nature.

fawad ali

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In Pakistan shops are full of Fake products, fake medicines, people bribe for jobs, black money is more than documented money, nepotism is a normal routine, sifarish culture is a norm, avoiding taxes is a norm , police will defend the elite, justice system is weak.. and yet we cry that doomsday is coming to taiwan.
This is exactly why Muslim countries are suffering. Their priorities are wrong. They are more concerned with personal lives and bedroom issues than all these issues.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Billo Rani Khusri aur Gul khan ke wastay khush khabri , hunn Mojaan hi Mojaan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
They don't need to do that, it already exists in nature. And besides... There are over 8.7 million document species on Planet Earth, are they going to go and inject all of them? And what do they get out of it? Stop promoting dumb conspiracy theories to defend your outdated, superstitious and homophobic beliefs.

I have also read somewhere that they are testing on frogs and will soon find some way to inject hormones that stimulate same-sex lust in these animals and then we'll soon see documentaries on main stream media propagating that such things do exist in the nature.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Either the book is wrong. Or god is playing sadistic tricks with us by creating homosexuality everywhere in nature and then telling us that its not natural.

In nature sexuality is not black and white but rather millions of different shades of grey.

May Allah bless all of us with Hidayat... Ameen


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Hidayat means following the teachings of Quran. Common sense means using sound judgement. If you study the reality of the world around you and it shows you that the Quran is wrong... which one will you follow? Common sense or Hidayat?

Common sense is a very small part of Hidayat. So if someone is blessed with Hidayat, by default he gets common sense.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Hidayat means following the teachings of Quran. Common sense means using sound judgement. If you study the reality of the world around you and it shows you that the Quran is wrong... which one will you follow? Common sense or Hidayat?

So now u r talking about IF's and Buts's

Each and every word of Holy Quran is ture and pure. For centuries many ignorant who thought themselves to be very clever, have tried their level best to find a single fault in the Holy Quran but have failed miserably and will fail forever.

In fact the Holy Quran challenges everyone and no one has ever withstood and no one will ever be able to withstand the challenge of the Holy Quran.

Proving its all truth, there are no Ifs and Buts.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I will repeat my question.

If you study the natural world you will see that sexuality is not black and white and out of over 7 million species, most of then that have been studied exhibit homosexual behaviour.

In the other side there is a book that says homosexuality is not natural.

Which one will you believe? The real evidence or the book?

So now u r talking about IF's and Buts's

Each and every word of Holy Quran is ture and pure. For centuries many ignorant who thought themselves to be very clever, have tried their level best to find a single fault in the Holy Quran but have failed miserably and will fail forever.

In fact the Holy Quran challenges everyone and no one has ever withstood and no one will ever be able to withstand the challenge of the Holy Quran.

Proving its all truth, there are no Ifs and Buts.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
I will repeat my question.

If you study the natural world you will see that sexuality is not black and white and out of over 7 million species, most of then that have been studied exhibit homosexual behaviour.

In the other side there is a book that says homosexuality is not normal.

Which one will you believe? The real evidence or the book?

Allah SWT, The Creator did not recommend or allow homosexuality for human beings. If anyone exhibits this pathetic practice that is their choice.

Since Human Beings are the Best of Creations (ashraf ul makhlookat), so don't deviate from the original argument by talking about other millions of species because only Humans, Jinn and Angles have been given (Shaur) Consciousness .

I talked about ashraf ul makhlookat and when we have a peep into history we come across the dreadful end of Sodom and Gomorrah. Since they went against nature and on a whole adopted homosexuality their end was total Destruction.

And that's what my first post was from where u started the argument. Below is my first post and i stick by my post.

"Take any sphere of life, Whenever humans go against the laws of nature, there is only one result....... DESTRUCTION".


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I asked you a simple question...

On the one hand You have an observation of reality and the evidence

On the other hand you have a book that makes contradictory claims

Which one will you follow?

Allah SWT, The Creator did not recommend or allow homosexuality for human beings. If anyone exhibits this pathetic practice that is their choice.

Since Human Beings are the Best of Creations (ashraf ul makhlookat), so don't deviate from the original argument by talking about other millions of species because only Humans, Jinn and Angles have been given (Shaur) Consciousness .

I talked about ashraf ul makhlookat and when we have a peep into history we come across the dreadful end of Sodom and Gomorrah. Since they went against nature and on a whole adopted homosexuality their end was total Destruction.

And that's what my first post was from where u started the argument. Below is my first post and i stick by my post.

"Take any sphere of life, Whenever humans go against the laws of nature, there is only one result....... DESTRUCTION".
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